Rome 4: The Art of War

Rome 4: The Art of War by M. C. Scott

Book: Rome 4: The Art of War by M. C. Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. C. Scott
Tags: Historical fiction
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except Matthias had ever spoken thus to Domitian. Flushing, he bowed. ‘Madam, you honour me. Will you come and take wine? I see you are not yet served.’
    It was stiff. It was awkward – a series of phrases stolen from other mouths and stitched together without any true understanding of their import – but it was said, and it was real and it took a great effort for me to keep my hands by my sides that I might not clasp his face and kiss his brow in myjoy. Both would have dismantled all the good just made.
    Matthias didn’t need my nod to go and fetch the wine; he backed away, bowing, and I followed Domitian back through into the garden area where the late, rich sun gilded everything in tones of amber.
    We stood amid the citrus and lilacs in silence until the wine was served; it wasn’t expensive, but it was white and sweet and had been cooled in the well so that beads of water formed on the outside of my best glass beakers.
    Domitian studied Pantera and Jocasta, each in turn; there was nothing subtle about his inspection. At its end, he said, ‘So the rumours are true? My father is mounting civil war against Vitellius and Lucius?’
    I hope I didn’t show my relief at that. He may be strange, but one could never call Domitian stupid. I had always suspected that, in his strange, solitary way, he was brighter than his brother; it was just that he spoke too little for us to be sure.
    I saw surmise and surprise flicker across Pantera’s face, gone before they took hold, replaced by a kind of interest. ‘Yes.’ He matched Domitian for the baldness of his speech. ‘They have asked me to keep you safe; you and the lady and your uncle Sabinus.’
    Domitian sneered. ‘My uncle Sabinus, who is calling my father an idiot, a reprobate and a fool? My uncle Sabinus who has sworn to shed his own blood in defence of Vitellius’ claim to the throne? Does he want you to keep him safe? And if he does, can you do that and still foment revolt?’
    There was another pause; this time, I believe Pantera was fighting not to smile.
    ‘As to the first: does your uncle wish to be kept safe? I have yet to ask him. To the second: can we keep him safe while fomenting revolt? We can try. We are not without resource.’
    ‘Even thoughyour name was in the lead lottery on the Capitoline two days ago? Geminus drew it.’
    And that surprised us all.
    Pantera’s eyes flicked to me. ‘I hadn’t heard.’ He made it sound like a statement when it was really a question.
    Truthfully, I said, ‘I hadn’t either, but Domitian goes abroad in the evenings and listens to the slave-talk that I hear less than I used to. Slaves know everything.’ Of Domitian, I asked, ‘What did you hear?’
    ‘That Pantera, the leopard who saved Rome from the fire, is the target of Lucius’ ire. That Geminus, who knows him, was made to draw his name in the lottery. That he is to be taken alive, not killed like all the others.’ Domitian’s smile bore a satisfied edge. ‘They think they have kept this a secret, but the man who cut the lead tablets with the names on is lover to Aponolius, who is also lover to Demetra who can be paid in small coin for small facts, particularly if she thinks them unimportant. So’ – this to Pantera – ‘what will you do?’
    Pantera shrugged. ‘First and most easily, I can change my appearance. Given half a day’s work, my own mother wouldn’t know me. Once changed, with my lord’s permission, I can be hired as servant to the lady Caenis, that I might not arouse suspicion. As you have said, nobody notices the slaves—’
    His head snapped up. From somewhere outside came the sound of a songbird; a high, trilling whistle. It sounded almost normal, but nobody in the room believed it so.
    ‘Guards.’ I crossed swiftly to the rear door. ‘That’s the warning the street boys give. You must go. Lucius has not yet dared to touch me, but if the Guards find you here he will have no scruples. There’s a way out from the rear

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