Romancing the Schoolteacher

Romancing the Schoolteacher by Mary Davis

Book: Romancing the Schoolteacher by Mary Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Davis
hard in his chest it hurt, and he was sure she could hear it.
    She smiled demurely. “I would like that very much.”
    â€œYou would?” That was the answer he had wanted, but he still couldn’t believe it.
    â€œYes, I would. I do have one more week of school. It would be best to wait until it’s concluded.” She gazed up at him.
    He caressed her cheek with his fingers. The emotions he’d held at bay broke free, knowing she felt the same. Her skin felt like silk under his touch.
    Her tongue flicked across her pink lips.
    They seemed to invite him closer. Cupping her face, he stepped forward.
    She didn’t pull back or turn away from him.
    He pressed his lips to hers. Warm and inviting. Slightest pressure.
    She wrapped her arms around his waist.
    He intensified the kiss.
    After several moments, he broke off but kept his mouth very close to hers. “I guess this means we didn’t wait for school to be out, Miss Greene.”
    â€œApparently not, Mr. Thompson.” Smiling, she slipped inside her house.
    Curious that he wasn’t nearly so nervous with her now. He supposed having kissed her and she kissing him back would do that. He looked forward to the next time.
    His mouth hitched up on one side as he backed off her porch to head for home.
    * * *
    Bridget leaned against her door, listening to Lindley’s footsteps descending her porch and crunching on the dirt. She rushed to the window and could see him in the moonlight. He appeared to have a spring in his step. She sighed.
    All that worrying for naught. He had been harboring a secret, but not one that concerned her. At least not directly. And now she was being courted by a man she loved with her whole heart. A man she had pictured herself married to.
    A man who deserved to know her secret, as well.
    She pushed the thought aside. Certainly he would be as understanding.
    She must go unpack.

Chapter 11
    I t warmed Bridget’s heart to see the church full once more with everyone well again. When she finished the final hymn and turned from the piano, she looked for Lindley at the back. She halted, perched on the edge of the piano bench, and stared.
    Three young ladies and a young man stood with him and his children. None of whom she had ever seen before. And all were gazing at her with smiles. One lady held Dora, and the man held Gabe. She hadn’t realized the new people were with Lindley.
    He’d said his sister was in town. But that would account for only one of them and not the man.
    She stood.
    Lindley left the gaggle and met her at the first pew. “Evidently, Priscilla telegrammed my family about you, and they sent a scouting party. They arrived last night while we were at supper.”
    She picked up her black leather-bound Bible and tucked it in the crook of her arm. “Are they all your siblings?”
    â€œJust the girls. Emmett is married to Winnie. They couldn’t come without a chaperone.”
    â€œHalf your family came?”
    â€œOh, this isn’t even half of them with all the nephews and nieces. Come, and I’ll introduce you.”
    â€œI…” She shifted her Bible. They would be a lot to take in all at once. And he had more family elsewhere on the island. A lot more.
    â€œMy sisters won’t relent until they meet you.” He picked up her shawl and hat and then led her down the aisle.
    Four pairs of expectant eyes stayed fixed on her. Did she look all right? She touched her hair and glanced down. She was glad she had worn her favorite green-and-white-striped spring dress adorned with white lace.
    Dora leaned toward her, and Bridget instinctively reached for the girl and settled her on her hip, as naturally as if she were her own.
    Lindley took Bridget’s Bible and motioned to her. “This is Miss Greene. Bridget, these are three of my sisters. Winnie and her husband, Emmett Halsted. Edith. And Priscilla.”
    Bridget nodded to each person in turn. “Mr.

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