rogue shifter 07 - cut off

rogue shifter 07 - cut off by gayle parness

Book: rogue shifter 07 - cut off by gayle parness Read Free Book Online
Authors: gayle parness
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could clearly see how life here had deteriorated so desperately. When necessary, I used my magic to nudge and suggest, skills I'd learned long ago. Today was my first attempt to use true Influence on my foolish sister, however this was a battle I must win.
    If only Fionna had inherited our father's wisdom along with much of his power, I wouldn't be in this situation. I'd have a partner to work with instead of a needy child to coddle.
    She walked to the window, her brow wrinkled, her expression stern. "I might consider your request."
    My touch had done its job. "Thank you, my queen." I bowed low, kissing her hand.
    She smiled and stroked my cheek. "You were always my favorite, Kennet. The others did not understand me."
    "How could the imperfect understand perfection, my lovely queen?"
    She kissed my cheek and flounced toward the door. "I will check on the vampire." Her new toy. When she'd disappeared, I shook my head. How could a female have lived three thousand years and more and not garnered at least a modicum of understanding regarding the plight of her people? The rest of the world could sink beneath the seas for all I cared, but the Faerie Court should be a place of exceptional beauty, its people admired above all others, their physical and magical strength, godlike. It was once this way, under my father and his queen. It would be this way again.
    I sank into the nearest chair, weakened from my continued efforts to hold Fionna in check. Her impulsive nature would be the death of us. Kidnapping Garrett was not the avenue I would have trod to achieve her goals, but I might still accomplish the first steps in my own long-range plan before these few days were over.
    I took a sip of wine, enjoying the warmth that spread throughout my body. I had to import this quality of honey wine from the sidhe in Bavaria, since the court demi-fey were almost extinct, another situation I planned to remedy as soon as I could. The court used to be swimming in the very best of everything.
    I shook off my grim mood and chose to think instead of Jacqueline, a female so far superior to the one who ruled that I would have laughed at fate if the circumstances at court were not so dire. Twice a year since Charles was five, I'd spent time with Jacqueline and my son in a private location of my choosing. The time was spent training him to use a blade, a bow, and when he was older, a sword.
    We spoke mostly in Seelie Fae, the language of his people and mine. Behind more mundane activities, I worked secretly with him, teaching him the mechanics of how to use his Influence. If Jackie had known, she would have attempted to end our work, but according to our agreement, she could have done nothing to stop me.
    When I worked with Charles, Jacqueline would watch my eyes. During her time with me, she'd discovered that when I used Influence, my pupils lightened in color, turning a dustier shade. It was a simple physical reaction unique to me, yet she'd seen it and remembered. Sometimes her intelligence startled me, so different than most females I'd come in contact with.
    She said she did not trust me and, although I had agreed not to hurt her or Charles, she did not believe me. Most would agree that her feelings were more than justified. I had swept her away and held her captive, hoping she would accept my generous and heartfelt offer. When she fought against me I became enraged, whipping and then taking her against her will.
    Her creamy flesh had broken so easily under the lash, but not her mind. No, she fought my magic with all that she was— and she was extraordinary in all ways. Her will, her intellect, her beauty and her magic confounded and delighted me, reawakening my senses after many tedious years. Without even a drop of fae blood, it is still clear that she is meant to be mine. Not my slave, or even my consort, but my partner. My bound mate. My lover. Queen to my king.
    We will rule together, bringing Faerie back to full strength once more. As my

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