Rogue Diamond

Rogue Diamond by Mary Tate Engels

Book: Rogue Diamond by Mary Tate Engels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Tate Engels
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there was an over whelming attraction between them, something neither could de ny. Apparently it was also some thing neither wanted to re si st. She remembered their breathless moments together and the ho t, surg ing sensations she felt when he whispered her name. That was a dangerous si gn.
    She hugged her arms in frustration, thinking of Rosemary's unspoken fears, for she had them too. They were amplified now that she had felt the magnetism of Nick Diamond's kiss and knew of the pas si on he aroused in her. She was well aware of the strength of pas si on she aroused in Nick too.
    Where was he right now? Was he really taking somebody on a tour of the pyramids? And what about tonight? The more she learned about him, the more doubt was cast. Where could he be going overnight? Was he meeting a woman, as Alex originally suspected? Perhaps Lia, with the voluptuous body. Or was he off on a smuggling mis si on?
    Alex knew she shouldn't care if he was in volved in smuggling or other illegal activities. He was n't the man for her, not a hard-nosed type like Nick Diamond. But it drove her crazy thinking he was in another woman's arms tonight.
    What difference did it make? she asked herself. She was only a client to him, regardless of the pas si on of his kisse s. Obviously, he was only inter ested in getting into bed with her. Why else was he helping her with this search for Jenni? Well, she'd have to make sure that his interest in her remained keen b ut unsatisfied. Nothing must in terfere with the search.
    Email from Hermo si llo, Mexico
    To: Carol W
    From: Alex J
    Subject: job at risk
    Hi Carol,
    Well, I did it! I'm out on a limb by myself si nce Rosemary refused to si gn that proposal. The offi cial protest of budget cuts to the Early Child hood Dept. is lying on the Univer si ty pre si dent's desk at this very moment. It may be one of the dumbest things I've ever done, or the wisest, but it was my only alternative. I figured I may as well go down fighting, stubborn American that I am . We should hear something in a week or so.
    Of course, I'm not ready to leave Mexico. Cer tainly not without Jenni.
    So far, no leads. Nick is pursuing the investiga tion slowly. Too slowly for me, but he's running this show.
    You mentioned Jack in your last letter. No, I do not want to see him . Please don't give him my address.
    Can you help me find a job in Phoenix? I may need it sooner than I expected.
    Love, Alex
    Nick had only been gone two days, but the way Alex felt, it could have been two long, empty week s. She thought of him constantly and paced the floor and worried – about him and her darling Jenni . A lthough she went through the mo tions of going t o work, her mind was often occu pied by Nick Diamond. He was her only reassuring hope of finding Jenni. When he wasn't around, she had none of that assurance. She felt completely alone in her fruitless search.
    What if Nick didn't return? What if she was left once again with no one to help her find Jenni? What if she never saw Nick again? Alex tried to stay busy, tried not to think about the what ifs. She was ashamed to admit to anyone her obses si on with this ruffian, Nick Diamond.
    It was after dark when she heard the knock. Cautiously, Alex approached the door. "Quien es?"
    "It's Nick, Alex. Nick Diamond," a weary voice rumbled.
    Feverishly, Alex flung open the door. "Nick!"
    Deep in her heart she felt tremendously relieved to see him, though she tried to hide her feelings.
    "Alex, we have to talk." Nick teetered on her doorstep looking so big and rugged and . . . aw ful!
    "Oh, God, Nick, what's wrong?"
    "Does that offer of coffee still hold?" His eyes looked darker than usual, and tired. Gone was the spark she had seen there the last time they were together. Now she saw only fatigue, and that he needed to talk to her.
    "Of course! Come in!" Instinctively, she reached for his wrist and pulled him toward her into the hall. Then, realizing what she was doing, she released

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