Rodeo Secrets
    Ursula Istrati
    Ursula Istrati
    Copyright 2012 by Ursula Istrati
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    Charlie watched from the bleachers as the cowgirls rode the barrel races. The afternoon was hot and dry, and the dust of the arena was getting kicked into the air by the horses. Charlie leaned back, with a beer in his hand, relaxing in the sunshine. He loved it when the rodeo was in town. It was by far the most interesting thing that happened around these parts in the summertime.
    He looked around at the crowd. It was mostly families, lots of people from out of town that drove all the way out here to go to their first rodeo. He took a swig of beer from his bottle, and looked back at the arena floor. The clown was running around now, putting on his little show for the kids.
    He glanced across at the pens, at all the cowboys getting ready for their turn to win the purse today. They were sweaty and rough, leaning on the fences and relishing the brief break they had from the action of the day.
    One cowboy in particular stood apart from the others. He didn’t seem to be interested in joking around with the other guys. He was more intent on staring at the fighting bull in the pen nearby. That must be the bull he’s got, Charlie thought to himself. That’s one of those bulls that you have to be nervous about. You could have a great ride, and score a lot of points, or you could get seriously injured.
    It had been a tough rodeo so far this week. There was no clear winner yet, and a lot of disqualifications. Charlie knew the cowboy was figuring out his odds of winning the purse with that bull.
    He took another drink of his beer and stood up, walking to the end of his bleacher row. He looked back at the cowboy again, letting his eyes rove up and down his body, leaning back against the rails. Charlie felt his cock stiffen in his jeans.
    It was easy this time of year, when cowboys came through town. Charlie knew he could always find a good fuck. It was always best when the cowboy had won some prize money, when they had a thrilling performance, because they would be all pumped up on adrenaline, smelling of sweat and animals. And there was nothing he loved more than letting a cowboy have a victory ride on top of him. He loved how rough cowboys could be, and he was happy to oblige them. He’d even do a bit of bucking for them.
    Charlie walked around the edge of the arena, towards the area reserved for the riders. He walked up to the gate blocking out the audiences, and gazed hungrily at the men. He looked towards the lone cowboy he had been eyeing, and saw him staring back at him. He was very dark looking, with his black hat down low, casting a shadow over his eyes. Charlie kept his gaze as he chugged the rest of his beer, licking the last drop off of his lips. He knew the routine, how to give the signal that he was willing. The dark cowboy tipped his hat at him, and he nodded back.
    Suddenly there was a lot of bustling movement in the pen as the bull riders were getting ready to start up. Charlie’s cowboy disappeared in the crowd, so Charlie walked back to the railing to watch from there. He climbed up a couple rungs of the metal barricade, to get a better view. He saw the black hat of his cowboy mounted on one of the bulls in the bucking chute.
    The audience’s cheering got hushed as the chute opened and the dark cowboy’s bull leapt into the arena, bucking like mad. Time slowed, as everyone focused on the movement of the bull and rider. The bull

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