Rocky Mountain Romp (Rocky Mountain Bride Series Book 4)

Rocky Mountain Romp (Rocky Mountain Bride Series Book 4) by Lee Savino Page A

Book: Rocky Mountain Romp (Rocky Mountain Bride Series Book 4) by Lee Savino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Savino
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purred with happiness. “Look, Johnathan, he has brown eyes like yours. Perhaps we can call him Little Johnnie.”
    Johnathan put a cautioning hand on his wife’s arm. “We must wait, Esther, to see if his kin come looking for him. And send messages to find them.”
    Her face fell. “Oh, of course. I didn’t think.”
    “He’ll have a home with us as long as he needs,” Johnathan said gently. “Carrie can stay with us until we find a wet nurse. There’s a woman in Florence who lost a child, and I’d like to keep an eye on her anyway. Perhaps she and her family will agree for her to stay with us for a time.”
    “All right. Then it’s settled. He’s Johnnie as long as he’s with us.” Esther bent back over the babe, her face glowing. Johnathan looked pained, as if he was already anticipating his wife’s grief if she and the babe were someday parted. Standing just behind his wife, looking down at her bonding with the child, he passed a hand over his face, forehead weary.
    Lyle came to his side. “Relax, minister.”
    Jesse also clapped Johnathan on the arm. “Johnnie’ll be a gift to you and Esther, even if we find his family and you are soon parted.”
    The minister nodded, but he still looked torn between joy for his wife, and worry at her inevitable disappointment.
    “Johnathan.” Esther stood up and pressed the babe into her tall husband’s arms. He looked down at the baby, and his furrowed brow smoothed as he stared at the precious round face, the dark brows and tufted black hair.
    His wife pushed closer, smiling at the two of them. “Do you understand it? This Christmas, we have a gift.”
    “Yes,” Johnathan whispered. All trace of strain was gone from his face. “It’s a miracle.”
    The night wore on and the couples settled in. Calum stretched close to the fire, his long form only half covered by a blanket. Judging by the snores coming out from under his big fur cap, he didn’t care. Jesse was about to turn in when Lyle stuck his head out of his bedroom and motioned to his brother.
    “Jesse, can I talk to you for a moment?”
    Nodding, Jesse followed. When he entered the bedroom, Rose was sitting on the bed, her hair was undone and spread down her back. She looked like a fiery temptress, but Jesse felt his shoulders hunch with wariness, as if he expected an ambush. Rose smiled at him coolly, looking much like she had before she’d flown at him. This time she seemed much calmer, but that didn’t make Jesse feel better.
    Stopping at the foot of the bed near his wife, Lyle turned and cleared his throat.
    “I’m sorry,” Jesse said immediately. “It was wrong of me to say such things to you, brother.” He rubbed his face. “Truth is, I’m tired of the road. I’ve finished my business everywhere. I want to settle down.”
    “Truly?” Lyle raised a brow at him. “Last I heard you were riding with the Royal Mountain Gang. Jesse, they work for Doyle.”
    “It’s all rumor, brother,” Jesse said, noticing Rose had gone quiet at the mention of her old nemesis. “I promise you, anything you hear of that sort is false.”
    “All right.” Lyle nodded slowly. “I believe you. But this behavior cannot continue. Rose and I looked for you up and down the Territory after our last run in with Doyle’s men. We needed you.”
    “I know, brother. And I’m willing to hang my hat somewhere.”
    “I hope so. Rose and I have discussed it, and we have the terms you must follow, if you wish to reclaim your stake. You may have your share of the mine, and all the profits so far and henceforth, if you build a homestead and move onto your share of the land.”
    “Done,” Jesse said.
    “That’s not all,” Lyle said. “Rose has an idea for the final condition. I’ll let her tell it.”
    Rose had a small smile on her face as she explained. “You must take a wife and bring her here to homestead.”
    “A wife?” Jesse fought to keep his mouth from falling open.
    “Yes, brother.” Lyle sat

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