Rockies Retreat: Destination: Desire, Book 5
pressed forward one slow inch at a time. The hot, slick clasp of her sex around his cock was so fucking amazing, he thought he might die. “Ah, Jesus, Laurel. That feels…”
    “So damn good.” Her gaze met his in the mirror, those dark eyes still holding all the mysteries in the world. She grinned, sweet and sexy and all kinds of naughty.
    He winked back. God, he liked her so much. She was a rare breath of fresh air in his sometimes stifled, overloaded life. But that thought was far too deep for a moment like this.
    He withdrew as slowly as he’d entered her, only to plunge back in. His body urged him to go faster, harder and he gave in to his needs. Their skin slapped together, a harsh crack of sound in the tiled room. His lungs worked like bellows, trying to suck in enough air as he plunged into her. An arrested expression crossed her face, and her eyes slid closed, as if she were savoring every moment of the experience. The smothered little noises that broke from her throat told him how close she was getting. He was teetering on the edge himself, but he needed her right there with him.
    “Laurel,” he whispered, and she opened her eyes, their gazes clashing in the mirror. “I want to see you come.”
    “You won’t have to wait long.” She bit her lip to suppress a moan and her face flushed a deep red. Her gaze sharpened and then lost focus, a shiver took her, and he felt the hot clench and release of her pussy around his cock. The sheer ecstasy that swept over her expression was one of the loveliest things he’d ever seen, and one of the most erotic.
    He drove into her again and again, wanting to drag her climax out, wanting to keep that look on her face. But pleasuring her meant pleasuring himself, and his control was crumbling fast. One, two, three more thrusts and he broke, coming hard, and fighting to hold back a groan.
    Christ, this was amazing. His head dropped forward to rest between her shoulder blades and he had to struggle to get his breathing under control. Several minutes passed before his heart stopped racing and his limbs stopped shaking. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had nearly brought him to his knees, the orgasm had been so intense. He knew he wanted more of this, of her. Maybe more than he should, but that bridge had been burned and there was no going back. If he was honest, he’d admit he didn’t want to go back…sex with Laurel was one of the most heart-racing, thrilling things he’d ever done.
    Pushing himself upright, he asked, “Are you okay?”
    “Very.” She tugged the band from her hair. Somehow it had slipped partially free of its restraints. “I liked the way you looked when you lost it.”
    “Likewise.” His dropped a kiss on her shoulder. “We should clean up.”
    He stepped away to do just that while Laurel tried to refasten her ponytail. The results were…reasonably good, though she still appeared a bit mussed and flushed. A glance in the mirror showed he also looked far too mellow for a man who’d just been shopping. He finger-combed his hair, tucked in his shirt and zipped his shorts, and that would have to do.
    She picked up her purse. “Ready?”
    He slung his backpack over his shoulder, and moved to peek out the door. “Coast is clear. Let’s make a run for it.”
    Amusement lilted in her voice. “Should we stagger our exits so people don’t know we were in here together? We can synchronize our watches.”
    “Let’s not get too complicated.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him.
    They made it out of the store without some irate shopkeeper chasing them, so he figured they’d made a clean getaway. Nice. It was always fun to indulge in prurient behavior with zero consequences.
    Violet stuck her head out of the window when they approached the van. “Dad, I found another cool rock behind the store. It’s got, like, red stripes in it.” But then her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Hey, where did you guys go? You were gone for a

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