Rocked Parts 1-4 Box Set: A New Adult Rockstar Romance (Billionaire's Obsession Book 124)

Rocked Parts 1-4 Box Set: A New Adult Rockstar Romance (Billionaire's Obsession Book 124) by Bella Love-Wins, Bella Wild

Book: Rocked Parts 1-4 Box Set: A New Adult Rockstar Romance (Billionaire's Obsession Book 124) by Bella Love-Wins, Bella Wild Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Love-Wins, Bella Wild
to pry. We talked about hobbies and favorite movies; sports teams and pizza toppings; most highly recommended memoirs and favorite vacation spots. The hours flew by. And the conversation never stopped or lulled through the whole thing. I enjoyed every minute with her. That was no surprise to me. This moment had been years months in the making.
    “I don’t feel like heading home yet,” I announced, once the plates had been cleared and the bill was settled.
    “I know,” Amanda said eagerly before taking the final sip of wine. “Me neither. This has been really fun.”
    “I’m glad you feel that way.” My chest pounded again.
    “The only thing is I can’t stay out too late. I have to get up to make my flight tomorrow morning.”
    “You’re leaving?” This was news to me. Why did she have to go? I hoped she wasn’t backing out.
    “Yes,” she answered. “We have a few days until we leave for the first tour stop. I need to go home and pack, put my mail on hold, empty my fridge, that sort of stuff. Nothing glamorous, I assure you.”
    I nodded. I was not pleased. Her reason made sense, but I didn’t like the idea of her leaving. In the back of my mind, there was lingering apprehension. I worried that she would get home and decide not to come back. I didn’t know what she really felt about taking such a risk. I had not intended to make her my bodyguard during this crazy stalker scenario. Kevin certainly wasn’t exactly a pleasure to work for. And I didn’t have the courage to tell her she meant a lot to me long before she even knew I existed. That would be awkward.
    “Agent Carlson and his team will be at the house to keep an eye on things,” she said, misinterpreting my apprehension.
    “Oh good,” I replied. I looked down at the table, tapping out a beat with my thumbs along the edge.
    “I saw a sports bar a few doors down. Want to go check it out?”
    I looked up and smiled at her. That was exactly what I wanted to hear.

Chapter Eleven
    We had a couple of beers at the bar, listened to some music, and casually watched the end of a football game that aired live earlier that night.
    “Shit,” Johnny said, glancing at his phone. “It’s after midnight.”
    “Are you going to turn back into a pumpkin now?” I asked, not sure my question had made sense. The bottle of wine and two beers had all gone to my head. I knew I wasn’t drunk, but I definitely had a buzz going.
    Johnny laughed at my bad joke. “You have a flight tomorrow, remember?”
    “Mmmhmm,” I said.
    He was right. I should get back and take the few hours of sleep that remained to be had. As I watched him fish out a couple bills from his wallet, all I could do was stare. I want to get back into his bed, and sleeping was the last thing on my mind. The man made me so hot. I wanted his hands on me, and to feel his cock deep inside.
    “God, Amanda,” he said in my ear. “I want you too.”
    Oh shit! I had to have been way pass the buzzed stage now. I said that last part out loud. I couldn’t even try to be embarrassed. Shame did not register, with all the alcohol in my system.
    Johnny spoke with the bartender for a few moments. Their voices were too low for me to hear what they were talking about. When he turned back to me, he smiled and held out his arm for me to take it. Boy, did I ever need something to keep me from nose-diving into the pavement outside.
    “I’m having a car sent over. It’s not a good idea for me to drive. I’ll have someone come get my car tomorrow.”
    I told him it was a good idea—and it took a gargantuan effort for me not to sound slurred. Nothing helped. I was drunk. I let him take my hand and he led me outside the bar. He threw a thank-you nod back to the bartender as the door swung shut behind us. 
    I shivered at the sudden temperature drop when we stepped out into the brisk night air. He removed his jacket with no hesitation and wrapped it around my shoulders.
    “Not quite as

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