Riverbreeze: Part 3
cronies or Martin Blear or Blockhaws…” she gave a little shudder then. “Then I’d say you have a right to be irritated, but Mr. Paulette? Captain Barber? Nick, Rob? They do that because they love you, respect you.”
    He let out a snort. “I wish they’d show it some other way.”
    “No, you don’t.”
    She was right, bless her. He laughed again and grabbed her for a kiss. “I love you, my angel.”
    “And I love you. Come.” She said, linking her arm with his. “Let’s take our seats. Reverend Gowan is almost ready to call everyone in.”
    “I wish we could sit together.” He said, as they started walking up the aisle.
    She leaned into him as if to say, ‘I do too’. Instead she said, “My heart and my thoughts will be with you.”
    “As mine will be with you.” He said, gazing down at her.
    “I’ll be repeating the vows when Alison says hers.”
    “I will, too.”
    By this time they had reached the third-row benches and were suddenly startled out of their private, tenderhearted conversation by Roy Wright coming upon them on his way to the front door. They stepped aside, a little embarrassed, but Roy didn’t seem to notice.
    Exchanging one last peck on the lips, they each turned to go to their separate places. Evelyn was welcomed into the women’s circle again by Elizabeth, Abigail, Annabelle and Alison and her best friend. They took their seats on the first row bench on the women’s side.
    Alison’s family members and William Barber’s men had already taken the first row bench on the men’s side. “Jamie, come sit behind us.” Chiffock said. “Yes, please do.” Thomas added. But instead of sitting, Jamie had a sudden idea. Recalling what Evelyn had said about the men outside made him realize he should apologize to them for his childish outburst. He decided he better do it before they came inside and the service began. “I will.” He said quickly to the Paulette men. “But first there’s something I must do. I’ll be right back.” And he took off down the aisle of the church and went outside to find Robert, Nick and William Barber.
    They were coming up the path towards the church along with the rest of the folk and Robert was carrying the broom. Jamie felt like he was fighting the tide, moving in the opposite direction of everyone else and having to step around everyone. “Oy!” He called out to the men, waving his hand and panting a little.
    “What is it, Jamie?” Robert asked, frowning at his brother. He and the men stopped on the path.
    “I wanted to catch you before we all went inside.”
    “Has something happened? Is Alison all right?” William Barber quickly asked.
    “No, the women are fine. But I’m not. I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier. Here, Rob, I’ll take the broom.” Robert handed over the broom without any protest.
    Nick snorted. So did William Barber and Robert. “There’s no need for you to apologize.” Nick said, clapping Jamie on the back, rocking him forward a little. “Like I said, I’m sorry for attacking you.”
    “Me too.” William Barber added sincerely. “I’m sorry, Jamie. You can do whatever you want from now on.”
    Jamie let out a laugh. “Thank you.” He said with some sarcasm.
    And they all laughed, friends again.
    Nick was the next to speak. “Let’s get this man married.” He said, clapping Barber on the back.
    Jamie noticed that Nick liked to do that a lot, clapping his friends on the back like that. And it wasn’t a light pat either. Being a blacksmith, Nick had a rather powerful arm.
    Anyway, Jamie’s good mood restored, he and the men headed for the church.
    * * *
    All was well again. Jamie settled in next to his brother with Robin on his lap. Richard sat next to him on the other side along with his father and brother. Normally the Mathews men would sit in the front row, but today the bench was crowded with Alison’s family members and William Barber’s men. Behind Jamie and Robert sat Roger Wentworth,

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