Riverbreeze: Part 3
leaves. If I had already known that you had had a fright like that—“
    “Stop right there.” Jamie interrupted him. “You didn’t know, so forget it.”
    “Why are you clearing the leaves?” Robert asked.
    “I want to.” Jamie said, grounding out the words and staring belligerently at his brother.
    “You’re going to wear yourself out, and you can’t afford that.” Robert scolded.
    “I’m as strong as you.” He said, his jaw tight. Out of the corner of his eye he could see all the men watching this exchange between himself and Robert and it embarrassed him.
    “Rob, leave me be! All of you!” He swept them all a hard look. “Leave me alone!” And he threw the broom on the ground and stormed off towards the church, leaving a very bewildered group of men staring after him.
    By the time he entered the building, Jamie had settled down somewhat. But he still hated it when Robert babied him in front of other people. On the other hand though, it reminded him of how much Robert cared for him. Patience, he needed to remember to pray for patience.
    He stood just inside the front door of the church, taking it all in. Roy Wright and Richard had finished decorating the interior while Jamie had been outside and they had done a beautiful job. Now evergreen boughs and sprigs of holly surrounded every window and doorframe, and the smell of pine was everywhere. There were pretty ribbon bows in scarlet red at each top corner of each window and Jamie marveled that Barber could afford to donate such extravagant ribbons to the church. The floor had been swept clean, except for the center aisle where herbs and rushes had been strewn, most likely by Evelyn and Annabelle, and they had also covered the alter table and pulpit with the church’s finely embroidered linen cloths. Finally, the silver-plated communion chalice and plate, polished and gleaming, had been placed on the alter table on either side of the carved wooden cross.
    Everything was in readiness for the service and William and Alison’s marriage ceremony.
    He noticed Evelyn sitting on the front row bench with Elizabeth, Abigail, Alison and Annabelle and just as he was about to go to her, she turned and caught sight of him. She stood quickly and hurried towards him, her face bright with delight. There was no sign of her being in pain or distress from her fall.
    “Isn’t it lovely?” She asked, looking around at the decorations.
    “Beautiful. You and Annabelle did a fine job.”
    She smiled. “You mean Roy and Richard did a fine job.”
    “Well…” He tweaked her chin. “You did a fine job of directing them.”
    She let out a short laugh. “Yes, we did, didn’t we?”
    He put his arm around her and hugged her to his side. “How are you? Any headache or anything?”
    “No, I’m feeling fine.” She said.
    “Good.” He said, believing her.
    “Did you finish clearing the paths?” She asked.
    He pressed his lips together before answering, “No.” He said shortly.
    “Why not?”
    “I was interrupted too many times!” He complained.
    “By everyone’s arrival?” She asked, with a little smile.
    “I’m glad you’re amused.” He said, pouting.
    This time she let out a laugh. “Oh Jamie, you did your best. There’s no need for you to be upset.” She said, stroking his hair back from his face. She started to brush one of his shoulders then, cleaning off bits of lint and loose strands of hair.
    “I wish you wouldn’t do that here.” He grumbled, watching the crowd to make sure no one was looking at them.
    “Oh.” She quickly pulled her hand back. “I’m sorry.” She said, looking hurt.
    He immediately felt remorse. “No, I’m sorry.” He said, taking her hand and kissing her fingertips. “I guess I’m still irritated by the men picking on me out there.”
    “Picking on you? Who?”
    “Oh, you know, Tom Paulette, William Barber, Nick, Rob…”
    She smiled that little smile again. “If you had named Sparshott’s

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