who spilled
out the doors at the end of the service.
Were they all staring at us? At the moment, I didn’t care one way
or the other.
James’s breath tickled my ear as he softly said, “I’ll pick you up
at your house at eight o’clock Christmas night, then.”
“It’s a date,” I whispered back, sliding back down to the earth. I
couldn’t feel my toes any longer, but I didn’t care about that either.
James took a small step back so he could gaze into my eyes with
his perfect blue ones. His cradled my head with both hands, bringing me close,
while my palms reached up to touch his face. He gave me a warm, happy smile and
my eyes closed as our lips brushed in a tender, comforting kiss for the first
time. My stomach rose straight up my throat and I swear my heart was floating just
like the neon sign over Mr. C’s burger joint.
This man—this pastor-in-training—James Douglas was
mending me, healing my heart, one moment at a time. I was exactly where I
wanted to be. Exactly where I needed to be. Our lips barely brushed;
just a hint of promise, but it was enough for now. It was a beginning, and it
was filled with hope.
I realized that with James, I could throw off the shackles of
guilt and anger that had caused me so much unhappiness and loneliness for so
long. As we stared into each other’s eyes, his crystal blue eyes sparked with humor
and mischief, letting me know that it was safe to risk my heart once more. To discover
a new life—and love—all over again.
The End
About the Author
Kimberley Montpetit (aka Kimberley Griffiths Little ) once spent all her
souvenir money at the La Patisserie shops when she was in Paris—on
the arm of her adorable husband. The author grew up in San Francisco, another
swoon-worthy city, but currently lives in a small town along the Rio Grande
with her big, messy family. Kimberley reads a book a day to fill up her heart
and soul with words. Then she fills her stomach with chocolate chip cookies
while she revises.
is another hunger Kimberley cannot ignore. So far, she’s stayed in the haunted
tower room at Borthwick Castle in Scotland, sailed on the Seine in Paris, swam
in the waters at Cannes, ridden a camel among the glorious cliffs of Petra,
sunbathed on Waikiki, shopped the maze of the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, and
spent the night in an old Communist hotel in Bulgaria.
This book is also available, along with 5 other Christmas romances, in the Christmas in Snow Valley anthology.
Christmas in Snow Valley
Check out the first chapter of the next book in the anthology on the next page.
Chapter 1
“Nothing says Christmas like freezing your tail
off while waiting for someone to turn on the lights,” said Paisley, her breath
puffing in the air. She stomped her heavy boots on the already compacted snow
trying to get some feeling back in her toes.
You know you wouldn’t have it any other way,” said her brother, Sawyer. He bent
over the stroller to tuck the blanket in a little tighter around his baby girl.
smiled down at her niece, Journey, wrapped in fluffy pink from head to toe and
sleeping peacefully. Her adorable little nose was the same color as her pale
pink blanket. The tiny vision had no idea they were about to kick off the
Christmas season with a bang – literally.
eight o’clock on the dot, Snow Valley’s mayor would flip the switch to light up
Main Street and the huge evergreen tree in the middle of town. Then Buster
Write would set off his vintage WWI cannon two streets away, startling cattle
all over the valley and scaring sheep dogs under front porches.
you think she’ll wake up?” asked Paisley.
if she can sleep through my drums, she can sleep through Buster’s Bang.”
only reason she can sleep through your drums is because music runs in her
veins,” said Amber as she squeezed through the crowd. She carried a cardboard
cup holder with four
Brad Thor
Michael Meyer
Dominique Adair
Brenda Jackson
David Hagberg
Jonathan Kellerman
Lori Handeland
Kate Noble
Lennell Davis
Ellen Hopkins