Rising of a Mage: Book 03 - A Mage Risen

Rising of a Mage: Book 03 - A Mage Risen by J. M. Fosberg

Book: Rising of a Mage: Book 03 - A Mage Risen by J. M. Fosberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. M. Fosberg
loved his family, his brothers and sister, his parents. The love he had for her made that love seem miniscule.
    Mariah’s spirit floated through the waiting. Her awareness was still with her body. She did not know who or what she was. She did not think or feel. She floated. All her spirit felt was freedom. She floated. She simply was. She saw the lights of other spirits and she watched them be guided away by other spirits. She didn’t understand, but she saw. She had no awareness of time. She floated.
    Then she saw the light. She couldn’t comprehend color or beauty, but that light pulled her. She followed the light. Then the light was trying to make her give up her freedom. She didn’t understand, but she knew she was being pulled away from the freedom. Then she felt it. The warmth. There was something there, something more th an freedom, something that was stronger than freedom. She followed the light into the warmth.
    The light immediately surrounded the fairy queen again. She lifted up over Anwar’s head.
    Anwar looked up, and then back down at Mariah. He watched her eyes open. He loved her beautiful eyes. They were soft and caring. But he saw something else in them now. There was a pain that had never been there before. She smiled up at him. “Anwar.” She whispered. Her voice was worthy of this place.
    “Mariah. You're back. I missed you. I love you. I’m so glad you are ok ay.”
    “Anwar , I am sorry.”
    “No. There’s no reason to be sorry , Mariah. I love you.”
    “Anwar , I have to go. My spirit was free for too long. I didn’t know it then, but my spirit was growing in the waiting. It won’t fit in my body. I don’t really understand it, but my body can’t take it. I am dying.”
    “No, Mariah. I will save you. There has to be a way.” He looked up at the fairy queen. “Tell me what to do.”
    Mariah raised her hand to his face. He looked down into her eyes. “I love you , Anwar. It's okay. I am going to Mishima. She will take care of me. The world needs you, Anwar. Help them. Don’t forget me, Anwar. Remember how much I love you. You will love again.”
    Anwar knew then that she was really leaving. There was nothing he could do. He didn’t want to make this harder for her. “Goodbye, Mariah.” Tears were running down his face. “I will always love you.”
    She smiled at him and then closed her eyes. A single tear ran out of the corner of one eye and fell down the side of her face.
    Anwar lay his face against hers and cried. He did not know how long he stayed there like that. When he woke up, Mariah was dressed in a thin white linen dress. Her hair had been done. She was lying in the grass next to him. She was motionless, lifeless. Even now she was beautiful. How could he ever let her go?

C hapter Sixteen
Saying Goodbye
    When Anwar awoke, some fairies came over to where he lay next to Mariah’s body. He heard the music that was fairy speech. “The queen has given her permission to honor your wife by burying her under the Fairy Tree. You can, of course, take her with you instead, if you choose.”
    Anwar looked at the tree. It was beautiful. He couldn’t think of a better place to let her body rest. He nodded his head. A dozen fairies floated toward her body, but he stopped them. “I will carry her.”
    The fairies backed away. Anwar bent down and picked up his wife. He could still smell her. Silent tears ran down his face as he walked toward the tree. He didn’t even realize his friends were waiting for him until he got to the base of the huge tree. Grundel was standing neck-deep in a hole that he was digging. Rundo and Navaeh were watching him. At least they would be aware of what was going on now. They needed to say their goodbyes. He set Mariah’s body down on the grass next to the hole. He felt empty. He felt lost. He didn’t know what his purpose was anymore. When he had walked into this clearing he had been filled with hope and joy. All he could feel now was pain

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