Rise of the Citadel (The Search for the Brights Book 2)

Rise of the Citadel (The Search for the Brights Book 2) by Aaron Thomas Page B

Book: Rise of the Citadel (The Search for the Brights Book 2) by Aaron Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aaron Thomas
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stood in the back of the cart
using a water can to water various plants in her cart. He hadn’t noticed the
windows covering in sporadic locations in the roof. The windows provided enough
light to see and to grow plants inside the wooden box of a wagon.
    “Sit, please,”
She said without any of the earlier distaste on her lips.
    He sat
immediately, partly to get off his feet and partly because he didn't want to
irritate her anymore.
    “I was wondering
if you have a plan for getting enough arrows together for the king, or if we
are running away from the army so you don’t have to face him. It does seem a
tall order and most youngsters such as yourself seem to run off at a whim,
thinking only as far as their arm can reach. They seldom look ahead to their
      “Well Ma’am, I
was hoping to gather some supplies for the men in this town before the king’s
army arrives and swallows the supplies for their use. I thought that as long as
we can keep a distance between us and the army, the better chance we would be
able to find supplies.” He took a swallow as soon as Ria placed a cup of water
in front of him. He wondered why he was so nervous.
      “I see. That
might be a good idea, but how do you plan on paying for everything if we are so
far ahead that you're not being given money for supplies?” She said as she sat
down to eat a fresh plate of berries. Bowie wondered where she found them so
fresh along a river that the townspeople didn't pick them every day. She must
have seen him looking at the berries because she held the plate up to him. “I’m
sorry, I thought you had eaten. Would you care for some?” She waved her hand
near a plant on the wall and the flowers seemed to pop fresh berries out in an
instant. He should have known, she grew them.
      “Thanks, but
no. I’ve already eaten my portion, but if you have extra I’ll pass them on to
the men. About the money problem, I have a few ideas on how to make some money.
Of course it will only work if everyone does their part,” Bowie tried to sounds
as confident as he could.
      “Very well. I
shall start making some arrow shafts for your fletchers as soon as we get to
camp. I am very eager to be outside. Though this carriage is accommodating, I
do like being in full view of the sky.” She took a long drink from a teacup she
had sitting on a shelf along the wall.
    “My many thanks
for any hard work you will be doing. I’ll do my best to see that you will be
accommodated in whatever way I can.” Conveniently, the cart came to a stop
throwing Bowie off balance. He took his opportunity and stood bent over in the
low ceilinged cart, bowed a short bow and exited the carriage. “Good day,
    He put his hat
back on his head as he shut the door behind him. The Black Hat in the driver’s
seat immediately began pulling Ria’s cart out into the sunshine near the edge
of the trees. as it pulled away, Bowie saw Auburn already stomping towards him.
He had hated the quick trip, unable to stop to rest or sooth saddle sores, but
he would do it every day if it meant not having to deal with these two women
all the time.
    “It’s about time
you got back, I have a bunch of men sitting around doing nothing.” She started
ranting before she was even twenty feet away. “I need things for these men to
do or they will get ideas in their head and lose focus. Where are the supplies
you said I would get?” She stood tapping her slippered foot, waiting for an
    “I have Wizard
Ria about to start growing your arrow shafts, Auburn. I will be heading into
town to collect some tar and string for the feathers that my men will be
gathering for you. Start your men by preparing those arrow shafts to take a
knock. I’ll get some materials for the heads and glue to attach the feathers. ”
    “About time.
I’ll get them gathered and ready for Wizard Ria. I can’t wait to get started so
we can get out on our way to filling the king's order and get back

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