Right As Rain

Right As Rain by Tricia Stringer

Book: Right As Rain by Tricia Stringer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tricia Stringer
    â€œSo what are you up to now?”
    â€œHeading to the pub.”
    â€œMind if I join you?”
    â€œHappy to have some company.”
    They continued on together and Mackenna chatted about Rory and the things he made. For the first time since his return Hugh felt relaxed. Coming back to work in the district he grew up in had been a test. He’d been running from his demons long enough. He wanted to banish them and start his new job in a new country without wondering if he was still running from the past.
    â€œHaven’t seen you in a while.”
    Both Hugh and Mackenna halted. Neither of them had noticed the man getting out of a ute parked near the corner. Even though his tone was low there was no mistaking the contempt in it.
    â€œHello, Mr Thompson,” Mackenna replied, but the man wasn’t looking at her.
    Hugh met the eyes that glowered at him. Carol’s father hadn’t mellowed over the years since their last encounter.
    â€œI’m working as a consultant,” Hugh said. “Only filling in till Ted’s back.”
    â€œI heard,” Mr Thompson said. “Nice that the two of you can enjoy each other’s company.” Once again his words had a cynical ring to them.
    Sid Thompson’s arms were firmly folded over his chest. No handshake looked like it was forthcoming.
    â€œHow’s Mrs Thompson?” Mackenna asked.
    She either didn’t notice Sid’s stance and tone or she was ignoring it.
    â€œWell, thanks, Mackenna. All things considered.”
    â€œThat’s good to hear.”
    â€œWhat about Lyle?” he asked. “I heard he’d had a heart attack.”
    â€œYes, but the doctors have patched him up. He’s on the mend as well.”
    Sid turned his eyes back to Hugh. “And your parents? I haven’t seen them in a long while. How are they and your three brothers?”
    The older man’s eyes bored into him, the emphasis on the word three a reminder that the McDonalds still had all four children. Hugh could feel the familiar tightness in his chest. He willed himself to breathe slowly and speak calmly. “All well, thanks.”
    Sid stood firm. His arms remained folded.
    â€œWell, it’s been nice to see you, Mr Thompson.” Mackenna smiled. “I’ll tell Mum and Dad I ran into you. Sorry to rush but I have to get to the chemist before it closes.”
    â€œYou’re in a rush too, I s’pose.” Sid Thompson met Hugh’s eyes again.
    â€œYes . . . well no. I was just heading to the pub,” Hugh said.
    â€œHmmph!” Sid snorted.
    Mackenna had already begun to move on. Hugh nodded at Sid and stepped around him to follow her. Outside the chemist, Mackenna came to a stop and turned back to Hugh.
    â€œThat was awkward.” She glanced over his shoulder. “He’s still standing there, watching us.”
    Hugh resisted the urge to look, despite a prickling in the back of his head that spread down his neck.
    â€œI haven’t seen him in a long time but Mrs Thompson’s been quite sick,” Mackenna continued. “Some kind of motor neuron disease, I think.”
    â€œSomehow I hoped time would have helped . . .” Hugh’s voice petered out as he felt his chest tighten. He closed his mouth and took a long slow breath through his nose.
    â€œAre you okay?”
    He nodded.
    Mackenna’s eyes widened. “Surely he’s not still blaming you for Carol?”
    â€œI went away. We haven’t seen each other for years.” Hugh shrugged his shoulders. “Nothing’s changed for him.”
    â€œThat’s ridiculous. You weren’t to blame any more than I was. He’s got to let it go.”
    â€œShe was his only child.”
    â€œI know.” Mackenna’s voice faltered. “And my best friend and the love of your life, but we had to keep living.”
    â€œHe still wishes it was me not her.”

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