Riding Steele: Aftershock
From Part 5:
    “Is everything okay?” Laurie asked, concern in her eyes. “Do you think they found Donovan and he’s convinced them to come after us?”
    Steele placed his hands on her shoulders and locked gazes with her. “He hurt you, remember? You have nothing to be afraid of.”
    She shook her head. “No. If he wants to make trouble, he’ll do it. If he wants to get back at me … or you … he’ll do it. He’ll buy people off if he has to.”
    Steele glanced toward Rip, who had paced several yards away and was speaking intently on the phone.
    “He won’t buy off Killer. He’s a true friend.”
    Rip slipped his phone into his pocket and walked toward Steele, his expression grim. Laurie reached for Steele’s hand and he enveloped it in his.
    “Well?” Steel prompted.
    Rip glanced at Laurie, then back to Steele. “They found Donovan a few hours ago at his house. He was dead.”
    Laurie sucked in a breath and Steele squeezed her hand.
    Rip gazed at Laurie again. “And the police are looking for you.” His lips compressed in a tight line. “You’re wanted for questioning.”
    Laurie felt faint. She clung to Steele’s hands as the blood rushed from her face.
    “I can’t believe this. Are they sure? How could he be dead?” she asked.
    “Killer said to hang tight and he’ll fill us in on the details when he gets back to us.” Rip grasped her shoulder and squeezed. “But, I’m sorry, Donovan is definitely dead.”
    “So this means the police are coming here for me?” she said weakly, her hand trembling.
    “You’re white as a ghost,” Steele said, gazing at her. “Let’s get you inside.”
    He led her into their room and the others followed. She sat on the bed and Steele sat beside her while the others gathered around, looking somber.
    “Laurie, you didn’t do anything wrong,” Rip said. “It’s going to be all right.”
    She glanced at Steele, remembering his fist hammering into Donovan’s face. Oh, God, was that why he’d died? Because Steele had beat him and then they’d left him in that cage? Had he died from injuries inflicted by Steele? If they had called someone sooner, would Donovan still be alive?
    The thought sent a shock wave through her.
    She’d hated Donovan. She hated what he’d done to her. She hated how cruel he’d been. And he’d terrified her. Just knowing he was out there had kept her in fear.
    But knowing he was dead, and that Steele might have something to do with it, left her feeling numb.
    “I don’t know what to tell them. I don’t know …” She was shaking her head and realized it was all too much. She felt weak and scared and … traumatized.
    Rip sat on the other side of her.
    “You’ll just tell them the truth. That the guy kidnapped you … terrorized you … then we showed up and pulled you out of there.”
    “But won’t they charge you with breaking and entering? What about the fact that …” She gazed at Steele, then back to Rip and continued hesitantly. “Donovan was beaten up. What if that’s why he died? What if they charge …” She shot a quick glance to Steele again, then bit her lip.
    Steele’s granite eyes glinted. “You think I’m responsible for his death?” Steele murmured in a mere whisper.
    His face clouded and she realized as much as he hated Donovan, he didn’t want to be responsible for his death.
    She squeezed his hand. “You were saving me. You were reacting to what he did to me. You didn’t mean to …”
    “Let’s just all keep calm,” Shock said. “Rip said Killer is going to call us back. Let’s not get worked up about what might happen. We’ll face whatever we have to when the time comes.”
    “That’s good advice,” Rip agreed. “Steele, you went out to get food, right?”
    Steele nodded.
    “Okay, let’s all just eat and relax. Killer should get back to us soon.” Rip stood up and headed for the door.
    Dom went with him and they returned a few minutes later with a brown paper bag and the case of

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