Ride On
picked up his cup. He probably had one chance to talk his way out of being gutted by a psycho and he wanted an extra second to think about how to do it.
    â€˜Trish, listen …’
    â€˜Eh … Trish … I don’t know where we met before.’ He had his free hand up in supplication. ‘But I’m very sorry if things didn’t work out.’
    â€˜I’m just saying, like … I’m sorry if I … y’know …’
    â€˜Aesop, I have something for you.’
    She slowly reached into the bag at her feet and suddenly pulled out something shiny.

Chapter Seven
    Jimmy sat bolt upright in the bed. Someone was trying to bang down his front door. Jesus, the cops were right. She was coming after him now. That stupid fucker Aesop and his uncontainable dick were finally going to get him killed. There’d been close calls before – angry boyfriends, outraged brothers and mates, the girls themselves fuming and upset – but this was the big one. He’d finally managed to stoke up a nutter and now she was coming after Jimmy because she hadn’t managed to catch Aesop yet. The bastard. It wasn’t fair! Jimmy was always nice to women. He sat in terror for a second. The thumping downstairs wasn’t letting up. He had to get out of bed and try and protect himself before she broke down the door and cornered him. The doorbell started ringing now too. Christ. He was fucked. And he only had his jocks on.
    He started down the stairs with his pillow clutched to his chest and the blood roaring through his head. Then he heard the voice outside, whispering in hoarse, guttural panic.
    â€˜Jimmy? Jimmy? Open the fucking door quick!’
    â€˜Yeah Aesop. Open the fucking door!’
    Jimmy was standing right at the door.
    â€˜Who’s out there?’
    â€˜I’m fucking out here. Will you open the door?’
    â€˜Is there anyone else?’
    â€˜What? No. I hope not anyway. Will you hurry up for fuck sake before she finds me?’
    â€˜Jesus …’
    Jimmy pulled the door open and Aesop barrelled through it, knocking Jimmy onto the floor and standing on his arm as he slammed the door closed again and ran into the kitchen. Jimmy was still picking himself up when Aesop appeared back in the hall with a big bread knife.
    â€˜Ye fuckin’ bastard,’ grunted Jimmy, crouched over and rubbing his shoulder.
    â€˜Shush Jimmy,’ said Aesop, looking through the peephole. He was sweating like a racehorse, his breath coming hard and heavy.
    â€˜What the fuck happened?’
    â€˜It was Trish.’
    â€˜Fucking Trish! Norman’s bird. The culchie.’
    â€˜What about her?’
    â€˜She’s the one who’s been after me. I must have rode her.’
    â€˜What? Are you sure?’
    â€˜Yeah! She came around tonight and tried to stab me, the mad bitch. I let her in and everything. Jesus, see what happens when Norman scores? He shouldn’t be let near women. He can’t get a bird for years and then when he does pick one up, she’s the Angel of fucking Death.’
    â€˜You’re mad. Trish was lovely. How did she try and stab you?’
    â€˜How? She had a knife in her bag! Oh Jesus, man, what are we going to do?’
    â€˜Calm down, will you? Jesus. Okay. We’re going to call the police. Fuck, we better call Norman too. Now tell me what happened will you?’
    â€˜Yeah … yeah. I was just … I was … what’s with the pillow?’
    â€˜What? Oh … I was in bed when you started going at the door with a bleedin’ sledgehammer.’
    â€˜And you brought your pillow down with you? What were you going to do with it?’
    â€˜I wasn’t fucking thinking, was I? I thought there was a madwoman out there.’
    â€˜And you were going to subdue her with a pillow?’
    â€˜Will you fuck off? I got a

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