Rich Tapestry

Rich Tapestry by Ashe Barker Page A

Book: Rich Tapestry by Ashe Barker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashe Barker
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
tip, and I shiver in delicious vulnerability. He could do anything to me, but I know he won’t hurt me. This is all pleasure and all mine. Pure, unadulterated and so incredibly intense I might just faint.
    My orgasm is just moments in the making, rippling up and surging through me. As I start to come, Dan plunges two, possibly three, fingers deep into my pussy. This time I scream as he thrusts sharply, finger-fucking me as he continues to suck my clit.
    My body arches, my bottom jerking upwards as I seek to increase the friction, to draw out every last tingle of sensation. Dan responds, knowing what I need and supplying it. He angles his hand to find my G-spot, rubbing there as I tighten and squeeze down hard around his fingers. He increases the pressure on my clit, sucking harder as my orgasm crests then starts to subside. I moan softly as I drift slowly back to earth. My voice is quiet as I murmur incoherently, trying to find words to thank this incredible Dom for guiding me to the most exquisite climax I have ever experienced.
    “All part of the service, my little slut.”
    Ah, not entirely incoherent then.
    “So, now that we’ve unleashed your inner submissive, let’s see how she responds to a decent spanking.”

Chapter Six
    “Go over to the spanking bench and bend over it, please.”
    I glance across the room in the direction indicated by Dan’s outstretched hand. The bench looks not unlike the vaulting horses we used to use in gym lessons at school, though not as high. It’s made of smooth wood—the top is padded with soft, buttery suede. It looks warm, comfortable. I spotted this piece of equipment the moment I entered the room. It terrified me then. Now, it seems rather less daunting, a perfect example of how my perceptions are shifting, realigning as the unthinkable takes form in my head.
    This could happen. I could do this. I will do this.
    My default mode of thinking re-asserts itself, just for a moment . Why? How? Where does this fit in my carefully arranged world? Where’s the order in this?
    Nowhere. Everywhere. What does it matter? I’m doing it anyway.
    I quash the internal chirruping, or perhaps that’s my inner submissive, confident, reckless, now unleashed and asserting herself. Whatever, I simply get to my feet and walk to the bench. The time for questions and soul-searching is later. Now, I have other matters to consider.
    “I’ll want you to remain still for the entire fifteen strokes. You can make as much noise as you like, but you’ll stay on that bench until I tell you to get up. If you move, I’ll add on an extra five strikes for each time you disobey me. Is that clear?”
    I turn to look at him, uncertain. Surely no one could just lie there and keep quite still while they were spanked—especially not by an expert in the art of pain. I’ve been treated to a demonstration of Dan Riche’s sensual skills. I have no doubt at all he can deliver a very effective spanking too. I chew my lower lip, wondering if I should protest. Plead even. What to say?
    “You look worried. If you think you might struggle to obey me, you can always ask for the restraints. I can fasten your wrists and ankles to prevent you moving. Would that help?”
    “You’d tie me to the bench?” I’m not sure what sounds worse, being spanked or being helpless while it’s happening.
    “Only if you ask me to. It’s one certain way you can ensure you get through this quickly without it escalating.”
    “But I’d be… I mean, I wouldn’t be able to get away. What if it’s too much and I…” I break off as my somewhat fragile hold on courage falters.
    Dan Riche just smiles. “You can get away any time you want. That’s what your safe words are for. You say red at any point, and I’ll stop immediately—no questions, no argument. I’ll release you and we’re done. Amber, and I’ll take a time out, check how you’re doing. I’d do those things anyway if I felt you were struggling. But the

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