Hook, Line, and Mated
on instinct now, and there wasn’t anything on this fucking planet that could stop him from claiming his mate.
    “You sure you want this, baby?”
    “I want this. I want you,” she said instantly and looked into his eyes. “Take me. Claim me, mate.”
    He kissed her harder and with more possession. “I’m going to make you smell like me, fill you with my seed so it comes out of you, saturating your flesh so all know you’re mine.”
    She moaned and rubbed her breasts on his chest.
    “I’m going to leave my teeth marks on your body, have you bruised and red from fucking me.”
    “Yes,” she breathed out, and he swallowed the sound.
    He gripped the cheeks of her ass, slid them up and took her shirt right along with the movement. Her ass was full and round, just like her body. He squeezed the mounds and pulled her harder into his cock. He could smell how wet her cunt was through her clothing, knew if he slipped his fingers between her thighs his hand would be soaked with her desire for him.
    In one swift move he all but tore her jeans from her, the material splitting apart in the stillness of the room. He lifted her easily into his arms, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. The warm feeling of her pussy through her panties had him nearly coming right in his jeans like some damn inexperienced fool.
    He broke the kiss only long enough to slip his finger into the waistband of her panties, and tear the fucker away.
    “Oh, God, yes.”
    He’d make her screaming out more than that really damn soon. He turned, and moved toward where he knew a sawhorse sat. This room might be one of the only ones almost finished, with the windows in, the walls plastered, and the flooring done, but there were still construction tools lying around.
    He walked onto the white cloth that protected the flooring, the material that the sawhorse sat on. He set her on it, held onto her waist, and knew this would be one hell of a claiming.
    “God, I feel like I’m going to burn alive,” she said against this mouth, and then used the heels of her feet on his lower back to pull him toward her.
    Easton pressed his dick into the softness between her legs. She gasped, and he groaned, feeling her heat and wetness going right through his jeans. “If I don’t get my cock inside of you I’m going to come right in my fucking pants.”
    She panted against his lips. “I want you inside of me.”
    “I want my cum filling you, want your pussy clenching around my dick.” His animal, that fucking selfish bastard, wanted Jessie with a ferociousness that bordered on mania. The position had her legs opened wide, and the scent of her musky arousal filled his head, making him crazed. Grinding himself into her, he grunted and knew pre-cum started to make the front of his jeans wet.
    “Fuck me,” she whispered into the darkness.
    “I am going to have my dick so deep inside of you, fuck you so hard, every time you sit down you’ll be thinking of me, mate.” He kissed and nipped along her jaw, and felt this surge of satisfaction when she tilted her neck to give him better access, submitting to him.
    “God,” she said on a breathless gasp.
    He ran his tongue along her throat. Easton’s animal might not have fangs when fully turned, might survive off the flora of the land, but when he was partially shifted he could still mark his mate, bite her enough that the wound would stay on her flesh and let all others know she was his.
    He wanted to break her skin and get his saliva into her bloodstream so she’d always smell like him, always know who she belonged to. He’d also fill her with his seed, make sure that when any shifter scented her they’d know that she was his . If anyone tried to fuck with her their blood would be on his hands, their broken bodies at his feet. His animal side was coming out in fuller force with each passing second, and he could feel his tongue swell with the need to mark her, to have his saliva, his scent in her

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