Revive (The Revival Series Book 1)

Revive (The Revival Series Book 1) by Claire Thake Page B

Book: Revive (The Revival Series Book 1) by Claire Thake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Thake
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take her eyes off the man stood in front of her.
    “I needed to apologise, over how things went that night. The night before you left” Images of that night danced in front of Carries eyes, the memories of how it felt to have his arms around her were so vivid she almost felt his touch on her.
    “You have nothing to apologise for, it was me that should be apologising not you” She whispered.
    “I had to see you again, I needed to try and fix things. I care about you Carrie, I couldn’t end things like they did”
    A feeling of panic began to rise in Carrie, she did care about Daniel too, but how could she betray Ian, she was a married woman; her husband being dead didn’t matter to her, she had vowed to love him forever and she couldn’t betray that promise. She didn’t deserve to be happy now, not after she survived, she should have been the one to die that night, not Ian.
    “Helllooooooo” Leahs voice echoed through the apartment, as she wandered in and stopped dead when she spotted Daniel.
    “Oh sorry, I didn’t realise you had company Caz” Leah said, hers eyes scanning Daniel up and down, taking in every inch of him. Jealously began to run through Carries veins, wanting to tell her best friend to keep her eyes to herself, and that she was a married woman, but what right did she have to say anything?
    “No I’m sorry I shouldn’t be here” Stammered Daniel, pulling out a piece of paper from his jeans pocket and passing it to Carrie.
    “That’s the address of my hotel, I’m here for a couple of days, I will leave the rest up to you” Carrie didn’t say a word, just stared at the piece of paper in her hand as if it was some foreign object she had never seen before. Daniel smiled at Leah before turning and walking out of the apartment shutting the door behind him.
    “Okay chick you have some explaining to do! Who was that?” Leah demanded leaning passed Carrie and taking the glass of wine off the counter and swallowing it all in one gulp.
    “It’s a long story” Sighed Carrie as she threaded her arm through her best friends and they walked into the living room.
    Daniel walked and walked not wanting to go back to the hotel, yet not sure what to do with himself either. Why had he come here? He had left everything behind, to chase a woman he hardly knew on a whim, and it was obvious she didn’t feel the same.
    On his walk back, he came across a bar he used to frequent when he lived in London and went in and ordered a beer; he needed to block her out of his head. He had never felt this way over a girl before. Girls came and went, and he never had any trouble attracting them so why could he not get her out of his head?
    Her smile, the way her eyes shined when she laughed, the taste of her lips, he wanted her and needed to somehow make her feel the same way for him, but she was so damaged from her past, was that even possible?
    “Dan? Dan Caine?” A woman’s voice said his name, and he looked up from his beer to see a beautiful red head staring at him
    “Oh my god, it is you isn’t it? Didn’t think I would be seeing you again”
    “Ella, hey yeah it’s been a while” Ella had been one of Dan’s hook ups when he lived here, one of the girls who dreamed of playing in world of a solicitor and loved the money that came with it. Unfortunately for her at the time, all Daniel wanted was a quick fling, not to settle down and get serious with just the one woman.
    She hadn’t changed much in the 4 years he had been gone, she was still gorgeous, with big green eyes that just screamed ‘come to bed’ and Daniel felt himself drawn into them again like he was years ago.
    “So what you doing here? Thought you were a big shot farmer now?” she asked taking the stool next to him by the bar, her short black dress riding up her thighs, exposing way more than was decent, but Daniel couldn’t argue that she was a good distraction.
    “I came to see a friend” He said finishing his beer, Ella

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