Revive (The Revival Series Book 1)

Revive (The Revival Series Book 1) by Claire Thake Page A

Book: Revive (The Revival Series Book 1) by Claire Thake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Thake
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of the word document. It was about the 10 th draft she had written of a letter to send to Daniel to explain what had happened and make sure he didn’t blame himself for her disappearance, but each time she deleted it unable to find the words that would sound right.
                  Maybe he wasn’t even bothered that she had left and had only seen her as a quick fling, after all if he had felt such a connection as he had said, he would have got her details from her family wouldn’t he? Carries heart ached at the thought. She hadn’t known Daniel long but she had felt close to him, a similar connection to what she had once had with Ian and it scared her.
                  Suddenly feeling claustrophobic she needed to escape from the office, and made excuses to leave early for lunch, making her way to the nearest café for a coffee. Walking down the street she felt like a zombie and by the time she reached the café she was confused as she couldn’t even remember the journey she had made, the whole walk was a complete blank.
                  Carrie entered the café, ordered her usual coffee, and took a seat in the corner by the window, staring out at the world passing by, fiddling with the packet of sugar of the table. Feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket, she quickly retrieved it assuming it would be Leah, replying to her earlier message but found a text from Ian’s father Joe, asking how she was and if she was available to pop over for Sunday lunch.
    Joe was a lovely man, and had been a wonderful father in law. He had been cut up when Ian died as he was an only child and even though Joe and Ian’s mother Sandra had never blamed Carrie for his death, she blamed herself. Despite enjoying their company she also avoided it as it was a painful reminder of her guilt.
                  Carrie quickly typed back a reply saying she would pop over at the weekend. It had been a while since she had seen them both and she felt it would be better than feeling sorry for herself at home. She also enjoyed visiting his childhood home and it made her feel closer to Ian somehow.
                  Later that day Leah replied; they arranged for a night in at Carrie’s apartment that evening with a take away and a movie. They did it quite often and every time neither one of them ever knew what the movie was about as they are too busy chatting to notice.
    Arriving home on time for once Carrie quickly ran around the apartment and had a quick tidy up, not that it was a mess in any way but it made her feel better knowing it was all done. She then got changed into her pyjamas and poured herself a large glass of white wine, whilst she waited for Leah to arrive.
    It didn’t take long for the buzzer to go and Carrie pushed it without checking who it was, as she knew it wouldn’t be anyone but her best friend as no one else ever came over, and she opened the front door ajar, for Leah to let herself in while she went to the kitchen and poured Leah a glass of wine.
    She heard footsteps enter and called out to Leah that she was in the kitchen, whilst putting the wine back into the fridge. When she straightened up the figure standing in her kitchen doorway wasn’t the friend she was expecting.
    “Daniel” she whispered, not knowing what to say and wondering if she was dreaming it all. Daniel was in Devon, there was no way he was standing here in her kitchen surely? She stepped backwards and leant on the kitchen counter not trusting her own legs to hold her up.
    “Carrie, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, your mum gave me your address and I wanted to let you know I was coming but I didn’t know what to say” Daniel looked nervous and rubbed a hand on the back of his neck, trying to avoid her gaze, suddenly feeling like he shouldn’t be here.
    Carrie stood speechless, staring at him, not quite believing this was actually happening.
    “What are you doing here?” She asked, unable to

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