Reverie (Hollow Hearts Book 1)

Reverie (Hollow Hearts Book 1) by Christina Yother

Book: Reverie (Hollow Hearts Book 1) by Christina Yother Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Yother
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that the fire was just embers. She made her way to the kitchen and decided to treat herself to a warm cup of cocoa. Maybe the warm richness would make her ready to sleep.
    When her mug was full and warming her hands she slipped out the back door onto the porch and breathed in the cold air. Hetty was always amazed at how quiet the nights were on the ranch. Even though they were fairly close to town she often felt like she was in the middle of nowhere with how serene it felt outside. This was possibly one of her favorite moments, breathing in the air and enjoying the peaceful quiet while the house slept soundly.
    “Hetty, don’t be alarmed. It’s just me.”
    Hetty turned to see Elias coming up the stairs. “What are you doing out here, Elias? I thought you were sleeping.”
    “I needed to visit the outhouse. I sneaked out while you were helping Mother to bed.” He smiled and moved to stand next to her.
    “Oh. Do you want some cocoa? I can make you a cup, if you like.”
    “No, thanks. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. It looked like you were pretty deep in thought there.” Elias nudged her shoulder.
    “Just enjoying how peaceful it is out here. I need to get some sleep, but I’m so excited about the apple festival that I can’t seem to quiet my thoughts long enough to drift off.”
    “I’m glad you’ll be with us this year. I think you’ll enjoy the day. It’s really a chance for all the neighbors to get together and have a little fun before we’re all locked away for winter.” Elias smiled.
    “I am excited, too. Wait until you see the dress we made for Lottie. She will look so adorable!”
    Elias turned is head and looked at Hetty’s excited smile. “You’ve really been wonderful to Lottie since you’ve been here. That little girl adores you.”
    “The feeling is mutual. She’s such a little joy. I’d love to have a daughter of my own someday.” Hetty smiled back at him.
    “You know, Hetty, I try to do my best to give Lottie everything she needs.” Elias sighed. 
    “Elias, you’re doing a wonderful job.” Hetty moved her head to meet his eyes. “You’re a great father.”
    Elias looked at her hand and moved his eyes back to her. “What she really needs, though, is a mother.”
    Hetty was suddenly uncomfortable. The look in Elias’s eyes told her he wasn’t just thinking of Lottie’s need for a mother, but of his need for a wife. She removed her hand from his shoulder, not wanting to him to think it was more than a friendly gesture, and turned away.
    “Have you ever considered getting married, Hetty?” Elias asked.
    Hetty refused to look at him. “I’m not sure you should be asking me that, Elias.”
    “Maybe you’re right. This time of year just makes me miss Rachel so much. I wish she could be here for the holiday watching Lottie enjoy all our little traditions. I miss being married.”
    Hetty couldn’t miss the sadness in his voice. She didn’t want to appear unsympathetic to his needs, and decided in that moment what Elias needed more than anything was her friendship. She turned to look directly at him. “Elias, it’s okay to feel that sadness. It’s okay to remember the people we love. I try to remember my parents as much as possible even though I was so young when I lost them. In God’s time you’ll find someone to settle down with. It won’t be forced or rushed. It’ll be the perfect time because it’ll be His time.”
    “So no marrying a widowed rancher, huh?” Elias chuckled and pulled her into a friendly hug.
    Hetty was quick to hug him back. She liked Elias—had liked him from the moment he picked her up at Mrs. Calhoun’s to begin working on the ranch. And she hoped their friendship would remain even after her work with his family was done. “Oh, Elias, you do know how to make me laugh.”
    “What the hell is going on out here?” a voice boomed from behind them.
    Hetty and Elias moved apart as if they’d been struck by lightening and, judging by the

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