LONE C APTAIN: Did you find Kenobi? C LONE T ROOPER: No one could have survived that fall. He watches them pass. C LONE C APTAIN: Start loading your men on the ship. C LONE T ROOPER: Yes, sir. OBI-WAN tries to sneak back to the secret platform, down a flight of stairs. ---- 158 EXT. UTAPAU—SECRET LANDING PLATFORM—LATE DAY OBI-WAN makes his way out of the cave and onto General Grievous’s secret landing platform. He runs to the Starfighter and climbs into the one-man ship. The Starfighter takes off and disappears into the sky. ---- 159 EXT. UTAPAU—SPACE OBI-WAN flies away from the planet Utapau in General Grievous’s tiny Starfighter. ---- 160 (125) INT. GENERAL GRIEVOUS’S STARFIGHTER—SPACE OBI-WAN activates the controls on the Starfighter. He punches in several coordinates and codes. A BEEPING SOUND is heard. It quickly speeds up until it is a steady tone. OBI-WAN speaks into his comlink. O BI- W AN: Emergency Code Nine Thirteen . . . I have no contact on any frequency. Are there any Jedi out there? . . . anywhere . . . A BURST OF STATIC is heard, and a FUZZY HOLOGRAM image appears. B AIL: (hologram ) . . . Kenobi . . . O BI- W AN: (continuing ) I’ve locked on. Repeat. The FUZZY HOLOGRAM image comes into focus, and it is BAIL ORGANA. B AIL O RGANA: Master Kenobi?? O BI- W AN: Senator Organa! My Clone Troops turned on me . . . I need help. B AIL O RGANA: We have just rescued Master Yoda. It appears this ambush has happened everywhere. We’re sending you our coordinates. ---- 161 INT. CORUSCANT—PADMÉ’S APARTMENT—PRE-DAWN PADMÉ stands before the window of her living room, watching the plume of smoke from the Jedi Temple. C-3PO enters from the bedroom. C - 3PO : My Lady, there’s a Jedi fighter docking on the veranda. PADMÉ turns and rushes to the bedroom. ---- 162 (116) EXT. CORUSCANT—PADMÉ’S APARTMENT—VERANDA—PRE-DAWN THREEPIO walks out to ANAKIN’s ship and talks with ARTOO. ARTOO beeps. T HREEPIO: Hush! Not so loud! PADMÉ rushes onto the veranda as ANAKIN exits his GREEN JEDI FIGHTER. They embrace. P ADMÉ: Are you all right? I heard there was an attack on the Jedi Temple . . . you can see the smoke from here. A NAKIN: I’m fine. I’m fine. I came to see if you and the baby are safe. P ADMÉ: Captain Typho’s here, we’re safe. What’s happening? C-3PO continues to talk to R2-D2 on the GREEN FIGHTER. C - 3PO : What is going on? ARTOO SQUEAKS and BEEPS. C - 3PO : (continuing ) You can’t be any more confused than I am. A NAKIN: The situation is not good. The Jedi have tried to overthrow the Republic . . . P ADMÉ: I can’t believe that! A NAKIN: I couldn’t either at first, but it’s true. I saw Master Windu attempt to assassinate the Chancellor myself. C-3PO leans over and whispers to ARTOO. C - 3PO : Something important is going on! I heard a rumor they are going to banish all droids. ARTOO BEEPS rather loudly. C-3PO puts his fingers to his lips. C - 3PO : (continuing) Shhhhhh . . . not so loud. ARTOO BEEPS quietly. C - 3PO : (continuing ) Whatever it is, we’ll be the last to know. P ADMÉ: Anakin, what are you going to do? ANAKIN looks down for a moment and then walks away from Padmé. A NAKIN: I will not betray the Republic . . . my loyalties lie with the Chancellor and with the Senate . . . and with you. ANAKIN turns and walks back to Padmé. P ADMÉ: What about Obi-Wan? A NAKIN: I don’t know . . . Many Jedi have been killed. We can only hope that he’s remained loyal to the Chancellor. P ADMÉ: How could this have happened? A NAKIN: The Republic is unstable, Padmé. The Jedi aren’t the only ones trying to take advantage of the situation. There are also traitors in the Senate. PADMÉ stands and reacts ever so slightly. P ADMÉ: What are you saying? A NAKIN: You need to distance yourself from your friends in the Senate. The Chancellor said they will be dealt with when this conflict is over. P ADMÉ: What if they