
Revenge by Mark A. Cooper Page A

Book: Revenge by Mark A. Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark A. Cooper
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over and he was lying in his own bed or getting ready for school at St. Joseph’s. He wished he was eating Mrs. Beeton’s fabulous cooking and carrot cake and seeing his friends, Scott and Catherine.
    With that thought, he fell asleep.
    â€¢ • •
    The next two days were uneventful. Joanne kept her distance from Jason and stayed close to Jean. Martin seemed to spend a lot of time alone on a lower lawn that overlooked the villa below. Jason spent hours in the pool, swimming length after length. When he warmed up, he pulled himself out of the pool and practiced his karate katas.
    â€œJean, why are boys so weird? Martin spends all day on the lawn by himself looking out at sea with the binoculars, and Jason swims nonstop for an hour and then spends hours doing those stupid karate movements. I hate karate. My father and my brothers do it, as it’s our tradition, but not me,” Joanne whined.
    â€œKeeah,” Jason shouted as he made a strike forward. He moved on the balls of his feet and toes with precision, speed, and grace. Sweat trickled down his chest and dried in the strong sun.
    They watched Jason as he gracefully moved across the pool deck with a variety of karate stances and moves.
    â€œHe seems like a nice boy. We can go into town again tonight and try a different restaurant.”
    â€œYeah, and I won’t make the mistake of holding Jason’s hand.” She paused and grinned. “Although he did apologize for that, but I’ve still not forgiven him. I hope he feels bad.”
    Jason went inside and came out of the villa carrying two glasses of water. He smiled at Jean and Joanne. Jean smiled back, but Joanne looked away with her nose raised. He walked down to the lower lawn, where Martin was lying on his stomach and looking over the edge. He had been here for a few hours. Jason wanted to talk to someone, so he thought it was time he made up with Martin.
    â€œI thought you might want a cold drink. It’s hot out here,” Jason said as he approached.
    â€œShhh. Keep your voice down,” Martin snapped back, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. He sat up and took the glass of water and then said, “Thanks.” He drank the water down without stopping, wiped his mouth, and burped. “Can you keep a secret?” he asked, grinning.
    â€œSure can,” Jason said, grinning back and sitting down next to him.
    â€œLook down there.” Martin pointed down on the villa below. Jason lay on his stomach and looked. A woman was sunbathing naked next to the pool. She was lying on her back and revealing her body.
    â€œYou dirty old man,” Jason whispered. “So this is what you have been looking at.” Jason turned and grinned at Martin. Martin lay down next to him, both boys watching.
    â€œI don’t think this is right,” Jason whispered.
    â€œThen go back to the pool, but don’t say anything to my mum. I’m staying here.”
    Jason started to lift himself up to go back, but curiosity was getting the better of him, even though he knew it was wrong.
    â€œDo you think she would let me rub some sunscreen on her?” Martin joked, gesturing with his hands on his own chest.
    Jason had to put his hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing out loud. Suddenly a loud scream came from behind them up at the villa. It was so loud that the sunbathing lady also heard it and looked up. She caught both boys watching her. Immediately, Jason jumped back, his face flushed bright red with embarrassment.
    â€œShe saw us! She’ll think we’re perverts or something. It’s all your fault,” Jason said, completely flustered.
    Martin lay on his back, laughing at Jason. “If she doesn’t like it, she should cover up.”
    â€œCome on. We’d better check what that scream was about.”
    As they walked back up toward the villa, Martin teased Jason, whose face was still bright. They were still

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