
Revenge by Joanne Clancy

Book: Revenge by Joanne Clancy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne Clancy
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with the prison officers, and took her seat at the far end of the bench while Mark sat at the opposite end. Penelope, Shona and Rebecca sat two rows behind the barristers while behind them the public galleries were full of reporters and police. They craned forward to hear what was going on as the lawyers studiously ignored the microphones placed on their table to counteract the room's less than perfect acoustics.
    Daniel William s was the first witness to be called by the Prosecution and his evidenc e was vital to the case. He sat quietly while the barristers argued but he was secure in the knowledge that he had full immunity. His nerves became more and more apparent as the days dragged on. Savannah was noticeably aware of his presence, knowing exactly what was coming when he took the stand. Every now and then, she glance d surreptitiously at him. When he finally took the stand it was to a packed courtroom. Everyone knew that this was the main event, t he most damning witness in the P rosecution's arsenal.
    The courtroom quickly filled with people as word spread like wildfire about the bizar re and gripping opening speech of the previous day. Everyone was talking about the incredible allegations and the conspiracy to murder which had begun to unfold. There was a hum of exci tement as the crowd took their seats and waited for the next instal l ment. The courtroom was already gripped and the momentu m was flowing as Daniel Williams took the stand. Given the spectacular reference to poison in the previous day's opening speech the evidence from Savannah Kingston ' s accomplice was bound to be dramatic, compelling and of paramount importance. The star witness didn't fail to deliver as he coolly told the court that he and Savannah had manufactured ricin in their home in London and had then transported it to Ireland. However, very few of those in attendance were prepared for the sensational details that were about to be revealed.
    Daniel took to the witness box with a great show of humility . Wearing black trousers and a grey shirt w ith his dark hair gelled back he stead ied himself before speaking quietly into t he microphone in front of him. He barely glanced at his former lover, al l his attention was focused on the barrister as he led him through his evidence. His voice was calm a s he laid out the incriminating evidence against Savannah and Mark . The entire courtroom was on the edge of their seats listening to every word he had to say.
    London native, Daniel Williams , lon g-term partner of Savannah Kingston , gave evidence over a two hour period. The ju ry was advised that Mr. Williams had been given immunity from prosecution in the case on the basis that he would give evidence in the trial and that the decision was uncondit ion al and irrevocable. He was questioned and cross-examined at length and his replies were always delivered in a monotone, giving the impression that he was almost bored by the entire situation. The line of questioning became intense at times and he was accused of being a fraudster and a liar. However, nothing seemed to perturb him and he kept his cool throughout, remaining categorical in his sometimes bizarre assertions.
    "What is the nature of your relationship with Savannah Kingston?" Mr. Clifford began his cross-examination.
    "We met in London in 2005 where Savannah was a hostess for the nightclub which I frequented," Daniel replied calmly. "We moved in together a few months later."
    "Was this an intimate relationship?" Mr. Clifford asked.
    "Have you ever previously visited Ireland?"
    "Yes. I was in Ireland last April with Richard Delaney, Savannah’s friend . We were supposed to kill Penelope and Shona. Savannah had a website, Assassin for Hire . She received a contract from Mark to arrange a contract to kill his wife and the two women. They corresponded and he sent her a deposit."
    The enti re courtroom listened in stunned silence to Daniel's evid ence. The evidence had been mentioned in

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