Revelations (The Revelations Series Book 1)

Revelations (The Revelations Series Book 1) by Pamela Daniell

Book: Revelations (The Revelations Series Book 1) by Pamela Daniell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Daniell
my way, Alex!” Jenna demanded as she tried to push past him. There was no way she was going to let him keep her from her mom.
    “Jenna, please…”
    Jenna glared at Alex. How dare he try to keep her from her mother. She took a step backwards and flicked her wrist sending him sailing across the yard. With Alex out of the way, she quickly made her way up the back steps and flung open the door. She now knew why Alex had tried to stop her. There, on the floor, was her mother’s lifeless body covered in blood.
    “Mom!” she screamed as she ran to her and collapsed to the floor beside her. She pulled her body up on her lap. “Please, Mom, still be alive,” she pleaded as tears welled up in her eyes. “Please don’t leave me.” She placed her trembling finger carefully on her mom’s throat to check for a pulse. Feeling nothing she pulled her mom closer and let the tears flow.
    “I’m so sorry, Mom. I should have been here,” she whispered as she cradled her and rocked back and forth. A sensation of intense sickness and desolation swept over her. She closed her eyes, her heart aching with pain.
    Alex came up beside her and knelt down. “Jenna, we have to call someone. The sooner the police know the sooner they can find who did this.”
    Jenna stopped rocking and glared at Alex. “We know who did this! And why!” she snapped.
    “We can’t be sure which side is responsible. Both demons and God would do anything to get to you. Even kill your mom if she refused to tell them where you were.”
    Jenna hung her head low and closed her eyes. “Do whatever you want. Just leave me alone,” she whispered as she clung to her mom’s body.
    Alex stood up and walked over to the phone, picked it up and began to dial. A few seconds later Jenna could hear him talking to someone but she knew they wouldn’t be of any help. Whoever had done this to her mother wasn’t human.
    She kissed her mom’s forehead and gently laid her back on the floor. “I won’t let them get away with this. I promise they’ll pay for what they did to you,” she whispered, then stood up and headed for the door.
    “Jenna, where are you going?” Alex called after her as he hung up the phone.
    “To find whoever did this,” Jenna declared. She walked out the back door slamming it behind her.
    “Jenna, stop,” Alex called as he rushed after her.
    “They’re not going to get away with this.” Jenna scanned the area for any signs for which way the intruder had gone.
    Alex stopped her as she was about to go around to the front of the house. “Jenna, please, you have to stop and think about what you’re doing. You’re not strong enough to face them yet.”
    Jenna didn’t respond. She raised her hand and the dust and debris from the ground began to rise and surround Alex. She didn’t care if she wasn’t strong enough. She wasn’t even sure if she wanted to live without her mom. She released the earth from her command and collapsed to the ground, her body trembling as she looked at her blood covered hands and began to sob.
    Alex helped her to her feet as the sounds of police sirens grew closer. She reluctantly let Alex guide her to the chair on the porch. What was she was supposed to do? Her whole world had just been taken from her and now she was alone. The only two things she knew for certain was… the only person who had loved her was gone, and she was the reason why.


    JENNA sat motionless in the chair on the front porch, her head lowered and her body slumped. She could hear the police cars racing down the road to her house, she could see them stop and the officers jump out of their cars, but to her, it was all a blur.
    She could hear Alex talking to the police, but it was like a distant dream. Dead… murdered. She heard those words over and over again and each time they were spoken they were like daggers straight to her heart. Desperately trying to erase any signs of her mother’s blood, she rubbed her hands on

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