Rev Girl
strutting across the pits, one of her besties on her arm.
    Next time, she’s mine.


    Later at their favourite outlet mall, Clover told Sera and Sydney her news. ‘I’m gonna be away a bit this year. Dad’s taking me to Florida, and if I can podium there, the World Champ’s in the Czech Republic as long as I don’t play up, which I’m not planning to do. I want to become the best woman Enduro rider in the world.’
    Sera’s eyes bulged from their sockets. She tried to yell something, but instead began choking on her wad of bubble gum. ‘What? Why?’
    â€˜Why’re you being such a cow?’
    â€˜You’re the bitch taking off, leaving us here. You won’t even miss us and you don’t even care that you’re gonna miss like all the parties. Who am I supposed to go with?’
    â€˜You’re unbelievable, you know that? When did I say I wouldn’t be coming to any parties? All I’m giving up is drinking, it’s not that big a deal.’
    Sera huffed. ‘It’s a huge deal. You’re choosing racing over us!’
    â€˜I am not! Don’t be so dramatic! I can race and have my life in Silvertown, obviously. You guys are my besties. And what d’ya mean, I won’t miss you?’ Clover said, moving close to her best friend. ‘Stop being ridiculous! I’m really excited about this and I thought you’d be supportive.’
    â€˜Guys, come on.’ Sydney reached across the table to grab Clover’s hand, which was balled into a fist.
    Clover glanced around. The people at the surrounding tables looked back to their meals. She’d been speaking louder than she thought. Not that she cared. Sera made her so mad sometimes.
    â€˜We are supportive, Clover,’ Sydney said, in her comforting tone. ‘Sera’s just trying to say that we’re gonna miss you. We’re excited for you, of course we are. I think it’s really cool, that you race. We think it’s really cool, don’t we, Sera?’
    Sera was staring hard at the table.
    â€˜Don’t we, Sera?’
    â€˜Yep,’ Sera said finally. ‘It’s cool. I just … I don’t understand, I guess.’ Her voice softened as it trailed off. ‘You didn’t even say how long you’re gonna be gone for.’
    Clover took a deep breath, then shook her head. ‘Why am I friends with such a spaz head again, remind me, please?’
    â€˜You’re scared you’ll get your ass kicked without me for protection.’ Sera kissed her skinny arm. ‘That, and you like my jokes.’
    Clover couldn’t help but laugh, until Sydney moved in close, and whispered into her ear, ‘So do you have anything you’d like to tell us about what happened with Dallas after you two left the club on New Year’s?’
    The sky was dark by the time Dallas’s hockey game finished and everyone drained out of the rink. Clouds were building, and the temperature had dropped well below zero. Not that Clover noticed. Dallas was the only thing on her mind.
    â€˜Thanks for coming,’ Dallas said, as he dropped his gear bag on the frozen ground and rested his hockey stick lightly against the bed of his Ford. He pulled his keys from the pocket of his team jacket and hit the keyless entry button. ‘I play better when you’re here.’
    Clover smiled warmly, remembering how his face had lit up when he’d spotted her and the girls settling in to the Home Team bleachers. ‘You played awesome,’ she said. ‘That goal in second period was unreal I thought your dad was gonna jump down onto the ice and hug ya.’ She wrapped her shivering hands around his waist and buried them into the back of his jacket, feeling the warmth of his toned, lower back. ‘You’re the reason you guys won.’
    Dallas grinned and pulled her close, lowered his lips to hers, but before they could touch, a gust of

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