Retreat And Adapt (A Galaxy Unknown)

Retreat And Adapt (A Galaxy Unknown) by Thomas DePrima Page B

Book: Retreat And Adapt (A Galaxy Unknown) by Thomas DePrima Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thomas DePrima
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game so she said, "Oh, I just remembered something. I promised the Flordaryn Council President that I wouldn't destroy your ships until after they finish their work. So I guess I can't destroy you just yet."
    Kelakmius seemed to breathe a sigh of relief before saying, "We're no match for a Space Command battleship."
    "That's probably the first thing you've said that I agree with. I'll tell you what—when your repairs are finished, you contact Space Command at Quesann and request an escort back to your home solar system. We'll send someone to see that no one destroys you on the way home. And in the future, I expect you to request an escort should you ever again need to leave your solar system. This is your final warning. If any warship ever again leaves your solar system without permission, we will destroy it without further word when we spot it. Is that understood?"
    Kelakmius was bristling, but he was smart enough to simply say, "Understood."
    "Good. Never forget it."
    Jenetta waited until after the connection was severed before allowing herself to smile. She hoped she had finally put the fear of Space Command into Kelakmius. He had to understand that the Tsgardi warships may not leave their home solar system without permission and without an escort. He was understandably having difficulty coping with the loss of their kingdom, but if he left his planet's system again, she would have to take more drastic action than a mind game and simple tongue lashing.
    * * *
    In the weeks that followed, the delegation from the GA conducted numerous sessions with government scientists and engineers. Jenetta sat in on some of the higher-level meetings, and of course engaged in many closed-door meetings with senior military, intelligence, and political figures on the planet. At the end of the meeting schedule, she was more convinced than ever that the planet's leaders had some hidden agenda, but it was like that on every world. They would only tell the GA, and Jenetta as the GA's official representative, so much of what they were doing or planning for their people. That was their right and perfectly acceptable because what they did on their own planet was entirely their own business. The GA would only get involved if matters moved off-planet. And even then involvement was only required if the planet violated Galactic Alliance laws.
    Jenetta was tiring of the endless meetings that should be handled by the GA Diplomatic Corps, and would be once Flordarya became a member of the GA, when she received a message from Admiral Augustus Poole.
    "Hello, Jen. I have the sad duty to report that we've found the Yenisei . According to the report from the captain of the Thames , the hull is so riddled with holes that it resembles a brick of Swiss cheese. The crew never had a chance. All hands are accounted for. Following my report in early March, I dispatched one of the new ship transporters to the last reported location of the Yenisei . I certainly wasn't expecting the news that we've just received, but I expected that the ship, when found, might be disabled. The Winston should reach the location within a few days and return here by about June 26 th .
    "In the meantime, all of the Yenisei's logs will be downloaded to the Thames and then transmitted to Intelligence here at Quesann. The captain of the Thames will send his complete report within twenty-four hours. I'll forward a copy to you as soon as we receive it. We're continuing the search for the Salado with every ship we can get to their last reported location, and there's even more urgency now that we've learned the fate of the Yenisei .
    "Augustus Poole, Rear Admiral, Upper Half, Base Commander, Quesann SCB, message complete."
    Jenetta immediately cancelled her participation in all further meetings and scheduled the Ares to depart the following day. The delegation would remain on the planet to conclude their business, then request that a ship pick them up.
    The Ares left on schedule the following

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