Resurrection Blues

Resurrection Blues by Arthur Miller

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Authors: Arthur Miller
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    ARTHUR MILLER (1915-2005) was born in New York City in 1915 and studied at the University of Michigan. His plays include All My Sons (1947), Death of a Salesman (1949), The Crucible (1953), A View from the Bridge and A Memory of Two Mondays (1955), After the Fall (1964), Incident at Vichy (1964), The Prince (1968), The Creation of the World and Other Business (1972), and The American Clock . He as also written a novel, Focus (1945), The Misfits , which was filmed in 1960, and the text for In Russia (1969), Chinese Encounters (1979), and In the Country (1977), three books of photographs by his wife, Inge Morath. Other works include Salesman in Beijing (1984); Danger: Memory! (1987); Timebends , a memoir (1988); The Ride Down Mt. Morgan (1991), The Last Yankee (1993); and Broken Glass (1994), which won the 1995 Olivier Award for Best Play, and a novella, Homely Girl, a Life (1995). Recent plays include Mr. Peters’ Connections , Resurrection Blues , and his last play Finishing the Picture . He was awarded the Avery Hopwood Award for Playwrighting at University of Michigan in 1936. He twice won the New York Drama Critics Circle Award, received two Emmy Awards and three Tony Awards for his plays, as well as a Tony Award for Lifetime Achievement. He also won an Obie Award, a BBC Best Play Award, the George Foster Peabody Award, a Gold Medal for Drama from the National Institute of Arts and Letters, the Literary Lion Award from the New York Public Library, the John F. Kennedy Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Algur Meadows Award. He received honorary degrees from Oxford University and Harvard University and was awarded the Prix Moliere of the French theatre, the Dorothy and Lillian Gish Lifetime Achievement Award and the Pulitzer Prize, as well as numerous other awards. He was named the Jefferson Lecturer for the National Endowment for the Humanities in 2001. He was awarded the 2002 Prince of Asturias for Letters and the 2003 Jerusalem Prize.

The Golden Years
The Man Who Had All the Luck
All My Sons
Death of a Salesman
An Enemy of the People ( adaptation
of the play by Ibsen )
The Crucible
A View from the Bridge
After the Fall
Incident at Vichy
The Price
The American Clock
The Creation of the World and
Other Business
The Archbishop’s Ceiling
The Ride Down Mt. Morgan
Broken Glass
Mr. Peters’ Connections
Resurrection Blues
A View from the Bridge, one-act
version, with A Memory of Two
Elegy for a Lady ( in Two-Way
Some Kind of Love Story ( in Two-Way Mirror)
I Can’t Remember Anything ( in
Danger: Memory!)
Clara ( in Danger: Memory!)
The Last Yankee
Situation Normal
The Misfits ( a cinema novel )
Focus ( a novel )
I Don’t Need You Anymore
( short stories )
In the Country ( reportage with Inge
Morath photographs )
Chinese Encounters ( reportage with
Inge Morath photographs )
In Russia ( reportage with Inge Morath
photographs )
Salesman in Beijing ( a memoir )
Timebends ( autobiography )
Homely Girl, a Life ( novella )
On Politics and the Art of Acting
Arthur Miller’s Collected Plays
(Volumes I and II)
The Portable Arthur Miller
The Theater Essays of Arthur Miller
( Robert Martin, editor )
Echoes Down the Corridor:
Collected Essays, 1944-2000
Death of a Salesman ( edited by
Gerald Weales )
The Crucible ( edited by
Gerald Weales )
Playing for Time
The Misfits
Everybody Wins
The Crucible

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