Restore Your Marriage & Fall in Love Again

Restore Your Marriage & Fall in Love Again by Krystal Kuehn

Book: Restore Your Marriage & Fall in Love Again by Krystal Kuehn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krystal Kuehn
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    Never cease loving a person, and never give up hope for him, for even the prodigal son who had fallen most low, could still be saved; the bitterest enemy and also he who was your friend could again be your friend; love that has grown cold can kindle. ~ Soren Kierkegaard
    Before a marriage or relationship ends, one or both partners usually claim to no longer be “in love”. The passion, affection, and harmony that were once present are now replaced with disagreements, emotional withdrawal and physical distancing.
    Relationships grow and develop as partners change and adapt to life and one another. It is an ongoing process. At the beginning of a new relationship, love is intoxicating. Differences and incompatibilities go unnoticed. This highly enjoyable stage of a relationship does not last forever. Soon after the excitement wears off, partners have an opportunity to get to know and accept each other for who they really are. It is at this point that they discover the hard work and investment that happy and successful relationships require.
    All marriages will face problems and challenges, even times of questioning love for one another. Yet, most couples want their marriages to work. They want to restore what was lost and fall in love again. If they are willing to invest the time and commitment to their marriage, they can rekindle their love and acceptance of one another, learn how to resolve conflicts, become better listeners, and deepen their bond and commitment to one another. There is no perfect marriage or relationship. Marriages go through many changes that allow partners to grow closer and deeper in love as a result.
    Being in love is one of the greatest experiences in the world. It is more than a good feeling that eventually fades. It is an intimate connection with another human unlike any other. It involves a life commitment that surpasses feelings and reaches deep into the soul where true love resides. This love lasts forever and is unconditional. It is not dependent upon feelings or circumstances. It is eternal and true. It is a love every marriage can experience.
    If you want to fall back in love with your spouse, it begins with a decision. Are you willing to invest in the process and stay committed to your partner and marriage? Can you accept your differences and agree that you can disagree and still love and respect each other? Relationships can be restored. Love can be rekindled. Marriages can be happy and successful.
    In Restore Your Marriage and Fall in Love Again , you will discover relationship building tools to improve communication, resolve conflict, increase acceptance and understanding, demonstrate affection and gratitude, strengthen commitment, and renew hope and trust so you can restore your marriage and fall in love again!
    How to benefit from this book : The following chapters are divided into 12 relationship building sections. Each section begins with a relationship restoring tool with explanations and examples followed by an empowering Say It and Believe It affirmation. Next is Put It Into Practice application exercises so you can apply the principles to your life. Then it concludes with an insightful and reflective Think About It section to help provide some encouragement, inspiration and motivation along the journey. Free downloads are included and can be accessed by going to and entering the password found in the Resources section in this book.
    Restore Your Marriage & Fall in Love Again can be used in many beneficial ways. You may want to use it as a 12-week guide with your spouse (or monthly, bi-weekly, daily). You may simply want to read through the entire book or go to sections that most interest you. There are no set rules for how it is to be used. The intention is to provide you with relationship building tools to help improve your marriage and your life. Actually, you will most likely find that much of

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