Restless Spirit
worrier and he um … is the caretaker.’ I was carefully avoiding the whole casual-sex-like-rabbits-since-I-arrived scenario. ‘I’m making coffee,’ I said. ‘Want some?’
    I nervously patted my hair and realised I had to pee and I hadn’t brushed my teeth. I bent to plug in the machine and my robe gaped, showing a fast but full flash of naked breast. I hurriedly stood and clutched the robe shut. ‘Actually, I just got out of bed. I need to … um, use the facilities and then I’ll come make coffee. I haven’t even …’ I rushed out. ‘Be right back!’ I yelled hurrying before I wet myself.
    Upstairs I ran to the bathroom. Then I brushed my teeth, smeared on a little blush, and made sure to tie my robe a bit tighter. I never rushed to get dressed in the morning – in fact, I put it off as long as possible. But part of me wondered if this was a seduction thing, too. If it was, so be it.
    In the kitchen, he was putting my bent flowers in a giant cookie jar he’d rescued from the top of the fridge. I hid a smile behind my hand.
    He turned, chocolate hair swinging gently against his firm jaw. My God, he was so … pretty. And I rarely went for pretty men. But he wasn’t pretty as in precious. He was pretty as in something you’d find in a painting by one of the Masters. Someone angelic and fierce but stunning to look at.
    ‘Finding everything OK?’ I asked. I opened the fridge to assess my food situation. I’d really have to actually go to a grocery store soon. I didn’t trust the eggs but I found a hunk of cheese and some cured bacon and a can of mandarin oranges getting cold in the back. I remembered that about Nan, had to have her mandarin oranges cold.
    ‘I did. I have put your lovely but assaulted, “hope you’re feeling better” flowers in a cookie jar, as you can see.’ He smiled big when he turned to me and my heart did a floppy little fish dance in my chest. ‘And I put your coffee on. Kona. Nice. Nan had good taste.’
    I cleared my throat, moving past him but brushing him with my arm just the same. ‘And how do you know that’s Nan’s?’
    ‘Well, there is zero fresh food on the counter or in the fridge. No fresh milk, no juice, no fruit, no bread. But there is a pantry fit for an alien invasion should we all have to hunker down here to stay.’
    I put my head down covering a laugh. ‘She was well prepared, my Nan.’
    ‘I’ll say.’ Reed caught my hand up in his, tugging me gently. My entire body went on red alert and I turned to him, cool air rushing over my skin as my robe gaped.
    I made no move to cover my breast. He made no move to hide his stare. ‘Are you?’
    ‘Am I what?’ My mouth was dry with nerves but my pussy was swollen and thumping in time with my heart.
    His eyes on me made me want to fidget. Squirm. Move like some restless creature.
    ‘Better today? The ankle?’
    ‘Oh, the ankle!’ I blurted. ‘Yes. A bit tender if I come downstairs too fast. Like when you were being …’I chewed my lip.
    He grinned at me. ‘Go on, give it to me.’
    The dirty double entendre only served to make my belly and cunt that much warmer. That much more eager.
    ‘Held hostage. For trespassing.’ The repressed laugh turned to a giggle. ‘I’m sorry about that. I think he–’
    ‘Thinks he owns you for God’s sake,’ Reed finished.
    I shook my head and moved to get two mugs. The motion only served to gape my robe a bit wider and Reed very slowly, very gently – giving me plenty of time to stop him – slid his hand inside and touched my naked skin.
    ‘He doesn’t.’ I managed.
    Something about him touching me made me think about Shepherd touching me. I had a brief exotic fantasy of them both touching me and blinked it away. ‘Why does Shepherd hate you?’ I asked to see if he would tell me the truth.
    Reed froze, but his fingers didn’t. They swept back and forth over the tender skin of my breast, teasing my nipple to attention and making my cunt tug

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