Rescuing Rayne
it represented his own life.
    “Are you all right?”
    Rayne voice was soft and worried. He’d obviously been rubbing her back for longer than he’d thought. Ghost’s eyes dropped to hers. She was propped up on one elbow and looking back at him. He gave her tattoo one last caress, dropped his hands, and scooted away from her a bit, giving her room to turn over. He sighed in regret when her tattoo disappeared from view.
    “I’m more than all right, Princess.”
    Rayne sat up and put her hand on his chest. “My turn to look at your ink now. Lay down.”
    Ghost smiled and lay down next to her, bending an arm and putting it behind his head. “Have at it.” He gestured with his free hand to his side.
    Rayne leaned down, ignoring her luscious nudity, and peered at the words inked on his left side. Ghost knew they wouldn’t give away any of his secrets, he and his teammates had thought long and hard before deciding what they’d all get inked on their bodies. It was their code, their creed. The quote was a mix of why they fought and what their service meant to all of them.

    I will defend my brothers & their women,
    and remember that freedom isn’t free.
    Quiet professionalism rules the day.

    G host knew it wasn’t quite poetry, but he and his teammates liked it. The reference to brothers was because that was what they all felt like. The entire team knew they’d defend each other to the death, but they’d extended it on their ink to include the women they may or may not have in the future. It was important to all of them that they knew the team would have their women’s backs…if it ever came to that.
    And the last line was a reference to their job as Delta Force operatives. Not many people knew about them or what they did, and that’s how it would stay.
    Ghost waited as Rayne read the words on his skin. She ran her fingertips over each phrase, much as he’d done to her tattoo. He shivered; he swore he’d remember the way her hand felt on him, as she caressed what was the real him, for the rest of his days.
    “It’s beautiful.”
    “It suits you.”
    Ghost tilted his head in question, and encouraged her to lie back down next to him.
    As she snuggled into his side, her head resting on his shoulder and her arm thrown around his body, she nodded and said, “Yeah. I know I’ve teased you about being a spy, but if I had to really guess, I’d say you were military of some sort.” When he tensed under her, she brought her hand up to his neck and laid it there reassuringly.
    “I felt safe today. Completely. I didn’t care that the taxi guy was creepy as all get out, because I was with you. I never would’ve ridden that crazy Ferris wheel thing if you weren’t with me. And I never, I mean, never would’ve gone to bed with you if I didn’t trust you. All I’m saying is that you’re the kind of guy who I’d want by my side if I was fighting for my country.”
    Ghost didn’t say anything, but shifted until one hand rested on the small of her back, covering her tattoo.
    “I think you’re pretty amazing too,” he said in a low voice.
    “Ummm. First time I’ve ever been thankful my plane was canceled.”
    “Me too, Princess. Me too.”
    Ghost held Rayne as she eased into sleep and throughout the next two hours. He wanted to do so many more things with her. So many positions he hadn’t had time to try out, but she was obviously exhausted. She was sleeping deeply, even the feel of his fingertips on her breast didn’t make her stir. Her nipples stiffened under his touch, but her breaths remained steady. Ghost wanted to take her hard-as-nails peaks in his mouth, then watch as they bounced and jiggled as she rode him, but he didn’t have the heart to wake her.
    He’d never felt like this before. Ever.
    Typically, he’d be out of bed and on his way home about five minutes after his orgasm, but being with Rayne was relaxing…and exciting. Even if she was sleeping.
    She was beautiful, her skin

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