Rescuing A Runaway Bride

Rescuing A Runaway Bride by Honey Jans

Book: Rescuing A Runaway Bride by Honey Jans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Honey Jans
standing in quicksand. She broke eye contact and turned her attention to her father. He looked a bit haggard. She felt a pang of regret for any pain she’d caused him.
    “Hello, Samantha,” Samuel said gruffly. “It’s good to see for myself that you’re in one piece.”
    “I’m fine, Dad,” she said, walking into the room, surprised by her father’s display of emotion. She flicked an inquisitive glance Jake’s way. Her presence had probably messed up his plans. But just what were those plans? “Mr. Ramsey,” she said with a nod, acknowledging his presence.
    “So we’re back to Mr. Ramsey now,” Jake said, his mouth kicking up with reluctant humor.
    “Would you prefer goon?” Samantha replied sweetly.
    “No,” Jake said solemnly, “I’d prefer to go back to a first-name basis, if you don’t mind, Samantha.”
    “No problem,” Samantha said, feeling a deep pang of regret. The last time he’d called her that they’d been making love. Was he trying to remind her of that sweeter time? She couldn’t afford to relent. For her brother’s sake, she had to see this through.
    Her father cleared his throat. “Samantha, if you’re through sparring with my Chief of Security, I propose we get down to business. Your brother’s got a lot of damage to fix.”
    “Fine,” Samantha said in a clipped voice. So Jake told him about Tad’s involvement. She pinned Jake with a steely gaze. “Well, Jake, as you can see, the lettuce has hopped out of the icebox. And my question to you is , what kind of crap have you been telling my father?”
    “Samantha Katherine Logan,” Samuel said harshly. “I’m surprised at you using that kind of language. Jake is a friend and a valued employee. I can assure you anything he tells me is the honest truth.”
    Samantha continued to scowl at Jake confused and angry. Jake reached out to touch her and she pulled away and noticed a flicker of distress cross his hard face. Why was he so hurt after he’d been the one to reject her? Unless he’d done it to protect her. Then she remembered his wound and looked at his shoulder.
    “I’m fine,” Jake said tightly.
    She sighed. How the hell had he gotten into her heart in such a short time? “I don’t need you to baby-sit me,” she said out of pure self-defense.
    “Oh, but I think you do.” Jake’s smile was harsh.
    “He’s right, Samantha,” Samuel cut in. “Jake told me about Tad’s involvement in the thefts…”
    “In Tad’s defense,” Samantha began her plea.
    Her father shook his head. “Don’t worry about it, Samantha, honey. I understand there were extenuating circumstances.” He added with a tender smile, “I love you and Tad very much.”
    Astonished, Samantha could only gasp and her father’s delighted smile warmed her heart. Maybe she owed Jake an apology.
    Her father continued on, “Jake has also filled me in on the reason you fled your wedding, and more importantly on the events that happened at the cottage.”
    Samantha’s smile faded. Jake had told her father about her finding Grayson in bed with another woman? He’d led her to believe that he’d let her broach the subject in her own way and time. His high-handed tactics were irritating. But, in a way, she was glad she didn’t have to talk about it. Still, it was embarrassing.
    Samuel’s voice broke in on her musings. “I was, of course, upset to find out about St. James’ infidelity. I’m sorry, Samantha honey, don’t you worry. I’ll deal with him.”
    The idea of Grayson being fired appealed to her, but did she really want to be responsible for ruining his career? He hadn’t bothered her since she’d scared him that night. “Don’t. Let him stand or fall on his own merit. I don’t care.”
    Samuel nodded. “I want you under Jake’s personal protection until we get the individuals involved in the thefts and attack on you arrested. Jake has agreed to stay on with the firm until the case is solved.”
    Stay on in the

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