Requiem for a Dream

Requiem for a Dream by Hubert Selby Jr.

Book: Requiem for a Dream by Hubert Selby Jr. Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hubert Selby Jr.
Tags: Fiction, Literary, General, Crime, Urban
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Theyre just words. Like I can look at a painting
and tell it, youre beautiful. What does it mean to the painting? But
Im not a painting. Im not two dimensional. Im a person. Even a
Botticelli doesnt breathe and have feelings. Its beautiful, but its
still a painting. No matter how beautiful the outside may be, the
inside still has feelings and needs that just words dont fulfill. She
nestled into his chest and Harry put an arm around her and held her
hand, Yeah, youre right. Its not just the outside thats beautiful,
but they dont know. Its hopeless. Thats why you cant be worried about
the world. Theyll just do you in anyway. You cant depend on them
because sooner or later theyll turn on you or just disappear and
leave you there alone. Marion frowned for a moment, But you cant shut
everyone out. I mean you have to have someone to love . . . someone
to hold on to ... someone— No, no, I don't mean that, Harry pulled
her back to his chest, I just mean that bunch of lames out there.
Someone like you could really make it alright for me. With you with
me I could really do something. Marion almost sighed, Do you really
mean that Harry? Do you really think I could inspire you? Harry
looked into her eyes, then at her face and gently glided the tip of a
finger over her cheek and traced the outline of her nose, his face
and eyes in a soft and tender smile, You could really make my life
worth while. A guy needs something to give his life a reason or whats
the point of living? I need more than the streets. I don't want to be
a floating crap game all my life. I want to be something . . .
anything. Marion hugged him tightly, O Harry I think I really can
help you be something. Theres something in me thats crying to come
out but it needs the right person to open the lock. You can unlock it
Harry. I know it. Harry put his arms around her as she cuddled into
him. Yeah, I bet we could. He stroked her head for a moment as he
looked up at the ceiling, Thats why I want to get some money and buy
a piece. I dont want to spend my life hustling the streets and end up
like the rest of them. If I can just get some money I can go into a
business and settle right into it. He looked at Marion and smiled, I
never told anybody this, but Ive always wanted to open a coffee house
theater sort of place. You know, it would have good food and pastries
and different kinds of coffee and hot chocolate and teas from all
over the world, Germany, Japan, Italy, Russia, all over. And it could
be sort of a theater group where youd have performances at night and
maybe mimes doing little skits from time to time. I don't know, I
havent really got it all straight, but— Marion sat up, O, that
sounds fantastic. Thats a great idea Harry. O, you could even have
paintings by young painters on the wall. It could be sort of a
gallery too. Sculpture. Harry nodded, Yeah. That sounds good. O
Harry, lets do it. O lets. Its a terrific idea. I can get the
painters without any trouble. O, and we could have poetry readings a
couple of nights a week O Harry its so exciting and it could work, I
just know it could. Yeah, I know. I figure it may take time, but I
could probably open up a couple of them. You know, after the one here
gets going we could go to Frisco and open one. O, you would love San
Francisco, Harry. And I know enough people there to get it going, the
mimes, the poets, the painters, I know them all, and who knows what
could happen after that. Harry smiled, Yeah. But we have to make sure
its goin right here before we go spreading our wings. O, I know. But
we can still plan. How long do you think it will take to get the
money? Harry shrugged, I dont know. Not long. Once we cop the first
piece it will be pretty easy after that. She hugged him, O Harry, Im
so excited. I cant tell you. Harry chuckled, I never would have
guessed. They laughed and put their arms around each other and
kissed, first gently, then more passionately, and Harry pulled his
face back a few inches and looked

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