Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4)

Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4) by Rebecca Lynn

Book: Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4) by Rebecca Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Lynn
mouth, her tongue that was darting out to touch her lip.  He finally dragged his eyes to meet hers.  “That fuckin’ mouth, Janie.  I swear,” he muttered with a dry look.  Then he grabbed her hand and took her to the dance floor.
    They spent the next couple of hours dancing and having a grand old time with all of the friends.  Janie did indeed dance with Mo who told her happily that he got Gabriela’s number.  She was glad for him.  By the time Janie was back in Luke’s limo on the way home, two things were decided:  one, the girls were having a get together that next Friday night to chat in a more intimate setting and to celebrate Tiffany’s birthday; and two, Janie absolutely without a doubt needed to have a session with her vibrator.
    Luke had stirred her up to the point of insanity.  Her insides were frazzled, her nerve endings over sensitized, and her heart was beating to the rhythm of take me now.   Luke hadn’t let up once the entire time they’d been out.  He kept his hands on her all night, occasionally letting them drift to stroke her butt or the sides of her breasts…all under the guise of salsa instruction.  He never acknowledged the intimate feather light touches, just acted like that was the way of it when you danced the salsa.  He appeared completely unaffected.
    She gritted her teeth after they dropped everyone off and she and Luke were finally heading back toward Tribeca.  Alone. 
    She focused out the window, trying to calm her mind and frenzied nerves.
    I mean, what the hell was he doing touching me like that all night and not doing anything about it, leaving me so unsatisfied?  The big jerk.  
    She needed to get off.  With a vengeance.  It was as if she hadn’t already come twice earlier that day.  Ridiculous.
    “What are you thinking about?” he asked from behind her, causing her to finally look at him.  “Salsa instructors again, perhaps?”  He gave her a self-satisfied look. 
    She narrowed her eyes.  “Nope,” she said flippantly.
    “Did you enjoy your first night learning the salsa?”
    “It was okay,” she said waiting to see his reaction and crossed her arms over her chest, pressing them into her hardened nipples to stop them from tingling.
    He cocked his head.  “Just okay?”  He waited then began to smile.  Knowingly.  Arrogantly.  He tsked, “I’m sorry to hear that.  Usually my ‘wealth of knowledge and expertise’ leaves women wanting more.”
    She glared playfully.  “Well, apparently I’m not like your other women.”
    He chuckled.  “No, you’re definitely not.”
    That caused her to stop.  “Meaning?”
    “Meaning there’s nothing about you that is remotely like the women I’ve ever dated, Janie,” he said sardonically.
    She continued glaring.  When he kept looking at her with that mysterious smile, she mumbled, “Whatever.”  She turned and looked out the window.  Why did that admission from him hurt so much?
    “You don’t want me to explain?  I’m shocked,” he said toying with her.  “Don’t hold back that feisty mouth of yours now .”  She could hear the humored exasperation in his voice.  She looked back at him.  He had her in such a state, she’d left her sense of humor on the dance floor.
    She rolled her eyes and smiled slightly at her reaction to his words.  “Why is there nothing about me that is remotely like the women you’ve ever dated, Luke?” she asked like a puppet with a hint of exasperation.
    He took a second before replying then shrugged.  “No other woman has ever given me a hard time like you do on a regular basis.”  He looked…happy?  Impressed?  Proud?  She couldn’t get a read on his expression.
    “Umm, thanks?” she said.
    He laughed.  “And no other woman drives me bonkers like you.”
    “Wow, so many compliments, Luke.  You’re making me swoon here.”
    He continued chuckling, “Or laughs at me as much as you.  My poor battered ego,” he said covering his

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