Relentless Liberation

Relentless Liberation by L.J. Fine

Book: Relentless Liberation by L.J. Fine Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.J. Fine
The vibrant color of the design had always
struck her as stunning against his pearlescent skin and she couldn’t help but
trace its edges as her fingers made their way across his back.
    When she got to those enticing dimples at the small of his
back, her hands itched to go farther. She had wanted him so much for so long that
she didn’t care that this wasn’t the right thing or that he would regret it in
the morning. She couldn’t stop him or herself and she no longer wanted to.
    Sliding her hands lower, she pushed into the waistband of
his jeans, then his briefs and grabbed the firm globes of his ass, tugging him
closer to her. He groaned into her mouth following the direction of her hands,
pushing his hips harder into her.
    Breaking the kiss, he reared up to kneel between her legs.
She couldn’t resist sliding her hands around to his front, running them up his
washboard abs and over his chest.
    She had been longing to touch him like this and now that he
was actually asking her to, she didn’t want to waste a single opportunity.
Wanting to see his reaction, she curled her fingers and raked her nails gently
over his nipples before tugging on them. He hissed and thrust his hips into her
    Thinking she might have yanked too hard, she went to pull
her hands away but he grabbed them and brought them back to his chest. “Fuck,
do that again, baby.”
    Happily she complied, tugging harder this time, and watched
entranced as his eyes closed on a groan, the muscles of his stomach trembling
with his hard breathing. In that moment he was the most beautiful man she had
ever seen.
    Who was she kidding? He was the most beautiful man she’d
ever seen, period. End of story.
    Lightly running her nails down his stomach, she traced yet
another tattoo of his she had long admired from a distance. It was a single
word printed in a Gothic arc across his lower abdomen.
    Up until now, she had always assumed the ink was in
reference to his style as a fighter. As he reached over her head to the
nightstand to produce a condom, she had a moment to reflect on their current
position and how they’d gotten there. Now she knew it was just another word
that could be applied to his personality, much like strength. Once he set his
mind on something that was it—he was relentless in its pursuit. How mind-boggling
to realize that she was now the thing he was after.
    It was dizzyingly exciting and scary as hell.
    He left the bed long enough to get rid of the rest of his
clothes and she watched with avid attention as he revealed himself fully to
her. He did it slowly because he knew she was watching. But it wasn’t vanity or
smugness that moved him, though Lord knew he had every right to be arrogant. It
was all about her pleasure, just as everything else he had done up until that
point had been. Words were unnecessary—he knew she loved looking at him so he
gave her what she wanted.
    Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his black
boxer-briefs, he slowly pulled downward. As the material cleared that thick
bulge, his cock sprang free and not even the apocalypse could have forced her
gaze away. He was long and thick and perfect, with a bead of pre-cum leaking
from his tip proving that he actually wanted this. Her pussy clenched again on
empty air and a new wave of moisture trickled onto her thighs at the thought of
taking him inside her.
    Foil ripped and she watched as he rolled the condom on, then
forced her gaze to roam back up his body. When she got to his face, she found
his dark eyes locked on her, the intensity there startling. But then he flashed
that impish half-smile of his and it hit home.
    This was Tyler. And this was actually happening.
    As he came back over her, he once again ran his palms down
her inner thighs, spreading her to take his weight. He ran the tip of his cock
through her slit so the head rubbed up against her clit. Sparks of pleasure
shot out from that tiny little button until it became the center of her

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