Reina's Mate
    Dawn Wilder
    Copyright 2016 Dawn Wilder
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    This book is fictional and any resemblance to
persons, places, or events is coincidental.
    Adult Reading Material (language, violence, sexual
content). All characters are above 18 years of age.
    By Dawn Wilder
    Paranormal Erotic Shorts:
    Mate Me
    Were My Mark
    Incubus Needs
    Foxy Lady
    Runt of the Litter
    Paranormal Erotic Shorts
Collection (contains all of the shorts
    Were It (best
read after Were My
Mark )
    Sea Me
    Fangs for Coming
    Were Break (best read after Were My
Mark )
    Paranormal Erotic Shorts
Collection, Volume 2 (contains the four above,
plus Were My Mark so it can be
read before the other Were shorts)
    Were Shield
    Gunner’s Mate
    Tracker’s Mate
    Breaker’s Mate
    Ryder’s Mate
    Asher’s Mate
    Elena’s Warriors
    Curves Ahead
    Foster’s Mate
    Fisher’s Mate
    Play Hard
    Luther's Mate
    Sayer's Mate
    Casper's Mate
    Rader's Mate
    Fuller's Mate
    Ryker's Mate
    Carver's Mate
    Keller's Mate
    Billionaire's Assistant (previously titled
Hidden Mate)
    Denver's Mate
    Foxy (adapted from the short Foxy Lady)
    Billionaire's Mate
    Billionaire's Neighbor
    Ranger's Mate
    Lenora's Mate
    Reina's Mate
    Dawn Wilder Writing as A.R.
    Paranormal Romance:
    Going Lupe
    In the Lupe
    Let Sleeping Lupes Lie
Free Paranormal Romance Bundle
    If you sign up for my mailing list,
I’ll send you my paranormal romance bundle (Gunner's Mate,
Breaker's Mate, Tracker's Mate, Ryder's Mate, Foxy Lady, Incubus
Needs, Were My Mark, Mate Me, Runt of the Litter, and Going Lupe).
Just email me at [email protected] with the subject ADD ME. Or, sign up on my Facebook page and download a copy of the bundle right away!
    Happy Reading!
Table of Contents
    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3
    Chapter 4
    Chapter 5
    Chapter 6
    Chapter 1
    I opened my eyes blearily.
    What was that sound?
    Sitting up, I tried to shake the sleep off.
I'd been up late trying to work out the bugs in a new program I'd
been writing and had only gone to sleep...I checked the clock.
    Half past four in the morning.
    A couple hours ago.
    Man, no wonder I felt like shit.
    The sharp knocking started up again.
    Fuck. Who was up at this hour? And why the
fuck did they decide to inflict the same pain on me?
    I fell back onto the bed.
    Maybe they'd go away.
    A pause.
    And then the knocking started up again.
    With a sigh, I grabbed my sweatpants and
pulled them on. It would serve whoever it was at the door right if
I just showed up in the buff, but I didn't really want my boys
hanging out there all vulnerable.
    The cobwebs cleared as I walked down the
hall to the front door, not bothering to turn on any of the
    I could see clearly in a lot less light than
this. One of the advantages of being a wolf.
    I opened the door mid-knock.
    And almost physically staggered back as the
past collided with the present.
    She'd changed. But then so had I.
    Her jeans and long sleeved t-shirt showcased
the more generous curves she'd acquired, though it was also obvious
her body was honed and strong. She was still a couple of inches
shorter than me, her hazel eyes striking against the warm brown of
her skin. Her dark hair was shorter, cut just above her shoulders
and framing her striking face.
    She was even more beautiful now.
    I felt the pang in my heart, still there
even after this many years.
    But there had to be a reason she

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