Reed (Allen Securities)
surrender and shot her another wink. The thumb at her waist did lazy circles that went straight to her clit.
    Meg leaned in. “Call me if you need to. I put my number in your phone.”
    And just like that the two were gone.
    A part of her fell when Reed dropped his hand. She wasn’t expecting a full confession, but it would have been nice to have something.
    “I’m going to get in a run and then shower. I’ve got to get into the office at some point today.” Reed turned to face her. She tried to hide her disappointment. “You just stay here. I’ll send Ryder by later to keep an eye on the place.”
    Olivia gave a weak smile.
    “Okay,” she said.
    She turned to collect the dished but was stopped by a large hand on her arm. Reed spun her back around in time for his mouth to come crashing down on her.
    He pushed his tongue into her mouth, mingling with her own. The sweet syrupy breakfast only heightened the feel. One of his hands pulled her by the back of the neck, closer, positioning her mouth exactly where he wanted it. The other hand moved smoothly over the silken pajama shorts. She gasped when she he grabbed and pulled her hips forward, grinding himself against her.
    Reed groaned.
    He relaxed his hands on her, and the kissing went from the fevered pace to gentle caresses. Slowly he leaned back, still holding her.
    “Hi,” she whispered shyly.
    “Morning,” he said, more like a rumble. “Wanted to do that since I woke up.”
    Olivia let out a shaky breath and leaned her forehead against his chin.
    “Me too.”
    They stood comfortably, wrapped in the secure embrace of the other.
    “I really need to get in that run,” Reed groaned.
    Olivia felt like groaning herself. There were better activities she could think of than running.
    She stepped back and smoothed her hands along his chest.
    “Okay,” she said.
    Reed stopped moving and pulled her chin up to look at him.
    “I like you,” he said. The hunger from before still burned in the green depth of his eyes, but there was more. Reed was absolutely sincere about his feeling for her. “I know it’s shit timing, but meeting you has been not what I expected at all.”
    Olivia smiled.
    “Let’s take this slow and see what happens.”
    She nodded. His searching eyes probed her until he seems satisfied with what he found.
    He placed a quick peck on her lips.
    “Lock the door while I’m gone.”
    She nodded again and watched as he disappeared down the street.

Chapter Ten
    The house had been eerily quiet since Reed had left for work. A part of her wished he had invited her into the shower with him when he came back, sweat sliding down his chest. She had quivered when a few droplets made their way through the fine smattering of hair on his pecks and vanished onto his shorts. But it was good he hadn’t invited her to shower with him.
    She chewed her finger, still uncertain about this. Taking things slow at this point just seemed unrealistic. Especially considering she wanted nothing more than to rip off his clothes and lick him all over.
    Olivia worked to push the image out of mind and concentrated on the house she hadn’t had much time to look at until now. It surprised her how much she liked the place. Being set outside of town slightly and off the main road, there was little traffic. The back was off a steep slope but had a fantastic view of a little valley.
    The log cabin feel outside was carried into the main house. Large exposed beams lined the ceiling. On the whole, the place was very homey and lived in. She wondered how much time he actually spent in the place.
    She laughed when she came to the living room. It might have a log cabin feel, but it certainly wasn’t a cabin. Reed liked his electronics. The largest TV she had ever seen hung from the wall. A number of game consoles lined the wall as well as DVDs.
    Olivia plopped down on the plush couch meant to offer seating to twelve. When she clicked the remote, she found herself baffled by

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