Red Phoenix's Passion is for Lovers Collection (Boxed Set)

Red Phoenix's Passion is for Lovers Collection (Boxed Set) by Red Phoenix

Book: Red Phoenix's Passion is for Lovers Collection (Boxed Set) by Red Phoenix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Red Phoenix
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Novella
or something?”
    “No, Tesse. The two of you made quite a scene according to what I heard.”
    She’d forgotten how public they’d been when they kissed. “Well, you don’t have to worry. Luke left. He said he doesn’t want to ruin my life.”
    Jerrod asked point blank, “Do you still love the guy?”
    “I would be lying if I said I didn’t. But we have such different lives now. He wants to practice medicine in Africa and I want a career on Broadway. It would never work.”
    “So, I’m your plan B?”
    “No! I just… you’ve always known how I felt about Luke.”
    “Well, maybe I don’t like being your backup plan, Tesse.” Jerrod sulked away, leaving her alone.
    Tess felt like breaking down. Seeing Luke had made all her old feelings resurface and having him leave again was excruciating. On top of that, Jerrod was hurt by what happened between them. Things couldn’t get any worse, which was why Tesse tanked at rehearsal.
    “What’s wrong with you? You sound like a howling dog. This is unacceptable. Try it again!” She stayed until one in the morning rehearsing with Mr. Reagan. Finally, he gave up. “This is what I get for using untried talent. I won’t make that mistake again, Miss Hayes!”
    She hurried to her dorm, wanting to bury her head under her pillow and disappear from the world.
    Jerrod met her on the way. “Slow down. I need to talk to you Tesse.” When she didn’t respond, he added, “I can’t believe how rough Mr. Reagan was on you tonight.”
    “What? You saw all that?”
    “Yeah, I was waiting for you in the auditorium. I’m shocked he kept you until 1:00.”
    “Well, I really do suck. I can’t blame him.”
    “You’ve just had a rough day. You’ll do better tomorrow.”
    Tesse snorted. “I don’t see how.”
    “Are you tired?”
    “Not really… No, not at all.”
    “Why don’t you come to my apartment then? A little wine might help you relax.”
    The thought of trying to keep quiet in her dorm while her roommate slept sounded hideous. Jerrod’s suggestion was a good one, so she agreed. “Why not?”
    They both veered to the left. Jerrod had his own apartment walking distance from the campus. His parents were well off like her mom. Only difference, they actually supported their son’s aspirations.
    Jerrod turned on the lights as he motioned her into his place. Tesse had been there before with their group of friends. This was the first time they’d been there alone as a couple and there was a completely different vibe to it.
    He went directly to the kitchen, retrieving two wine glasses and uncorking the bottle. “Go ahead and turn on the TV if you like.”
    Tesse looked at the black screen. “Nah, I don’t feel much like watching TV.”
    He handed her a glass and sat down beside her. “I hope you like pinot noir.”
    “I’m not sure,” she answered. Tesse took a sip and found she liked the fruity flavor of the red wine. It wasn’t acidic like she was expecting. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
    “Good.” Jerrod settled back on the couch and stared at her.
    Tesse took another sip before asking, “So, what did you want to talk about?”
    “I’m sorry for flying off the handle this morning. Tesse, you’re right. You’ve always been honest with me about Luke. I know he is your first love, and first loves never really die. I get that. I’m glad both of you recognize that you don’t have a future together. Your talents would be wasted in an African village, and he would be lost following you around instead of helping the sick.”
    Tess looked down at her glass. Jerrod was right. It was an impossible situation. Still …
    “I wish that I had been your first, but I’m not. I get to be your second and hopefully, if things work out, your last. Now that I’ve had time to think about it, I realize I am okay with that.”
    Tesse studied Jerrod. He truly loved her, had for two years now. Even knowing that she still loved Luke, he wanted to be with her. “You are one

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