Reckless in Paradise

Reckless in Paradise by Trish Morey Page A

Book: Reckless in Paradise by Trish Morey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trish Morey
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Sophie didn’t recognise who it was. She picked up the silver frame. A pretty girl with laughing eyes looked out at her, her long blonde hair whipping around her face as she blew a kiss to the camera.
    â€˜Ah, here we are,’ said Millie from behind her. ‘Try this one for size, and there’s a matching sarong. I’ll fetch you a towel.’
    Sophie turned, caught the gleam of sapphire-and-gold coloured fabric on the bed and smiled appreciatively. It was a rich, sumptuous pattern, and with a sarong to cover her she wouldn’t feel quite so undressed. ‘Thank you, Millie, it’s lovely. By the way, who’s this—do you know? One of Monica’s friends? I don’t think I’ve met her, although I’ve met the girls she’s asked to be bridesmaids.’
    Millie drew close and took the picture from her, giving the glass a gentle dust with a cloth she pulled from a pocket in her apron, her smile now sad. ‘A good friend of Daniel, apparently. Died in tragic circumstances. Daniel can’t bear to have the photograph where he can see it, but he can’t bear to put it away, so it hides in here where he’s unlikely to come across it. Pretty little thing, wasn’t she? I sometimes wonder if…’
    The woman trailed off to silence and Sophie wondered if it was because her thumping heart had drowned out the other woman’s words. Why did it matter so much? She didn’t know, but she had to ask. ‘What do you wonder?’
    Millie sighed. ‘Oh, just whether whatever happened back then turned Daniel off the idea of ever getting attached to anyone else. Apparently it was quite serious.’ Then she flicked her cloth over the shelf before she replaced the photo. ‘Ah well; I best be getting you that towel.’
    Sophie sat down on the side of the bed, idly picking up the richly coloured wrap the woman had left. The fabric slipped through her fingers, smooth and shimmering, a faint gold thread catching the light. Exquisite.
    But then her eyes were drawn again to the picture of the smiling girl—so special to Daniel that he couldn’t bear to look at her photograph, so special that he couldn’t bear to part with it.
    Had it been Daniel holding the camera all those years ago? Had the love shining in her eyes and that kiss been meant for him?
    He must have loved her very much.
    For some inexplicable reason she didn’t want to linger too long on that thought. It was hard imagining Daniel loving anyone; he seemed so driven and angry and unrelenting, and if he’d ever had a heart it was so deeply buried it had probably atrophied by now. Even his love for his sister seemed more of a guard-dog mentality than brotherly love.
    She scooped up the bikini and headed for the en suite . A swim was definitely what she needed right now. Given Daniel was busy with his calls, she’d have the pool to herself for a while. And when he did arrive she could plead she’d had enough and cover herself with the sarong.
    Besides, Millie was here. What on earth could she have to worry about?

    â€˜W HAT have you got?’
    â€˜She’s Fletcher’s sister all right.’ Jo’s voice sounded like gravel rattling down the line. ‘Seems her parents broke up and split the kids.’
    Daniel leaned back and put his feet up on his desk. So it was as she’d said. He wasn’t sure whether he was relieved she hadn’t been lying, or disappointed she really was related to that Fletcher scum. ‘And the business?’
    â€˜It exists. Small to middling. Seems to have a good reputation, although business has been a bit thin on the ground lately.’ There was a weighted pause. ‘Could definitely do with an injection of funds.’
    Daniel’s gut churned and he dropped his feet to the floor. ‘You think she’s after a cut?’
    â€˜What else would she be doing here? Monica’s old enough now

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