heard a smile in his voice.  
    “Yes,” I said. “It will be a very exclusive event. Only the two of us are invited.”
    “Mmmm,” he said, “I like the sound of that. If you hear me moaning in my sleep, you’ll know that’s me dreaming about it. Good night, agápi mou .”
    “Hey, no fair! How am I supposed to sleep now that you put that idea in my head?”
    “You’ll figure it out.” He kissed my cheek and stroked my shoulder. “I’ll be right here. Wake me if you need anything.”
    Christos commenced softly fake-snoring.
    “You so suck, Christos.”
    “I’ve been known to suck things,” he murmured suggestively.
    I immediately remembered the universe-shattering oral sex he’d given me only a few weeks ago. I was instantly wet. Great. I was never going to sleep like this. Because I felt his hardness pressing against one of my butt cheeks.
    “Is that a steel pipe in your boxers, or what?” I whispered.
    “I like to think of it as a lamp post,” he snickered.
    Romeo’s voice drifted in from the living room, “I’m writing all this down, you guys.”
    My breath froze mid-inhale. Caught.
    “I’ll be referring to it later,” Romeo said slyly, “for educational purposes only, of course.”
    I winced as Christos blew out a guilty chuckle.
    Surprising all three of us, Kamiko roared, “Would you three either get on with your menage a twat , or SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! ”
    Romeo, Christos, and I all erupted with laughter.
    Thankfully, everyone drifted off to sleep not long after.


    Kamiko was disastrously hung over the next morning.
    We had to practically drag her out of the apartment to get brunch. The four of us drove to my favorite breakfast place, The Broken Yolk Café in Pacific Beach.
    We parked on the street and had to walk a couple of blocks to get there. I couldn’t believe San Diego was having a heat wave in January. And by heat wave, I mean it was like, sixty-eight degrees. The weather was absolutely perfect.
    Kamiko trudged far behind, head hanging between her shoulders. She wore a pair of movie-star glasses that I’d loaned her to block out the sun, and her rumpled dress from last night.
    “Poor thing,” Romeo said compassionately. “She looks like she’s been run over by a garbage truck. I gave her two glasses of water at some point during the night, but I don’t think it made much difference.”
    “Somebody carry me,” Kamiko begged. “I’m not going to make it.”
    It was one more block to the Broken Yolk, but we all stopped to wait for her. Kamiko’s response, rather than hurrying up, was to sit down on a bus bench. “I’ll meet you guys there, but I’m taking the bus.” She laid down on the bench with her head hanging over the side of the armrest.
    “I’ll get her,” Christos said. He literally picked Kamiko up and put her on his shoulders like a little kid.
    “Hey! Goliath!” Kamiko groaned. “You better not drop me!”
    Romeo and I both chuckled.
    When the four of us made it through the café doors, Christos set Kamiko down on one of the padded benches in a sitting position. She immediately fell over onto the cushions and curled into a ball.
    The line inside wasn’t too bad, but there was a short wait. Christos gave his name to the hostess, who was none other than Skylar, the girl who’d chatted Christos up at the Student Center the first day of classes last quarter. I vaguely remembered her saying something to Christos about some club named Onyx downtown, kitchen-table sex after, and her unbridled whorish desire for more furniture sex with my boyfriend.
    Well, to be fair, Christos wasn’t my boyfriend at the time. I was still calling him Adonis at that point. But still, wasn’t my current BF-GF status with Christos retroactive? Which made the way Skylar was ogling him right now totally inappropriate?
    And why was it that practically everywhere we went, we ran into some hot hobot who’d slept with my boyfriend?!
    “Hey, Adonis,” Skylar said

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