Reborn Vampire Romance: Blood Courtesans

Reborn Vampire Romance: Blood Courtesans by Michelle Fox

Book: Reborn Vampire Romance: Blood Courtesans by Michelle Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Fox
how to find it—made me nervous. They walked with a purpose and every so often their hands would go to their sides as if reaching for a gun.
    I ducked inside the building and pulled the door shut after me. Thankfully, the glass foyer of the building was tinted—you could see out, but not in. Another plus, access required a key card. Unless they were willing to shoot out the glass, they wouldn’t get in. I worried my bottom lip and watched them gather round the ATM I had used to withdraw cash a few days ago.
    One of the men seemed to sense my presence and turned his head sharply, zeroing in on my building. He was blonde with an ugly red scar down the side of his face. His gaze seemed to penetrate the tinted glass.
    With a gasp I stepped back. My heart raced as adrenaline shot through me, ready for fight-or-flight. My hand shaking, I pressed the key card against the access pad for the second door and rushed inside to the main lobby. When I looked back, the man was still there, watching, but one of his buddies nudged him forward. With a frown, he moved along with the rest of his group.
    They spread out as they went, with a few crossing to my side of the street. I could see now that they had earpieces and were communicating with each other. I fled before they reached my door, eschewing the elevator for the stairs. Climbing all twenty flights was out of the question, but I didn’t want to be found waiting for an elevator on the main floor if they somehow gained entry.
    By the tenth flight of stairs, my heart pounded like it would explode and my breathing was loud and labored. I staggered into the hallway, thighs burning, and headed for the elevator. It was Kristos who made me think of things like taking the stairs. He helped me keep up with my new action-adventure life style.
    “Be ready at all times,” he’d said to me time and time again. “Zig when they think you’ll zag,” was another favorite line.
    Hopefully I’d zagged while they were looking for a zig. I shivered even as the sweat trickled down my back from my impromptu workout. That had been close. I should probably stay in for the next few days.

Chapter Ten
    T he elevator delivered me to the top floor with a soft ding. The doors opened and I jumped because Kristos was standing there, waiting for me.
    “Hey, Kristos.” I stepped into the hallway and tried to sound nonchalant.
    “Myra,” he said, his voice almost a growl. He took my elbow, fingers digging into me with disapproval, and guided me back to the apartment.
    “What are you doing up so early?” I asked, feigning innocence. He was not going to be happy about me sneaking out or the black ops team infiltrating the area. I wanted to delay the bad news as long as I could.
    He shoved me through the entrance to our living quarters—a four bedroom with a rather mundane view of the street below. We slept in one bedroom and the rest of his team shared the other three. For a wealthy CEO like Kristos, I imagined it was like living in a trailer park.
    “You woke me up,” he said.
    “I did?”  I thought back to all the times his name had come to mind, wondering which of them had drawn him to consciousness. I still wasn’t used to the link between us. In fact, I hadn’t even noticed it at first. Now, I could feel it, but didn’t know how it worked. Baby steps, I guess.
    “The bond we share,” he gestured to himself and then me, “means I can track you, know what you are feeling.”
    “Oh.” I paused wondering how that felt during sex. Did he feel the desire rising in me? Could I feel his? I would have to try it the next time we made love.
    “I saw the men on the street from the window. They’re looking for you, tracing your debit card. You know you weren’t supposed to leave the apartment and now they know you’re here.”  His tone was full of reproof.
    I opened my mouth to defend my disobedience, but nothing came out. Kristos was right to be upset. Finally, I asked, “How did you know about

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