REBEL, a New Adult Romance Novel (The Rebel Series)

REBEL, a New Adult Romance Novel (The Rebel Series) by Elle Casey

Book: REBEL, a New Adult Romance Novel (The Rebel Series) by Elle Casey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Casey
twenty-six, and you’re supposed to be working.   Quit flirting and get back on that carburetor.   The ‘stang needs to be out of here tomorrow no later than five.”
    Mick salutes.   “Yes, sir, gunney, sir.” He walks around Rebel and punches him in the arm on the way by.   Rebel doesn’t punch him back, he just brushes Mick off like he’s a tiny fly buzzing around.   It’s then that I notice the easy way they have with each other.   I don’t know why I never saw it before.
    “You’re brothers, aren’t you?” I ask.
    Maybe his answer will not only satisfy my curiosity but also re-direct his attention away from the fact that I said ew and gross in relation to being with him.   I really didn’t mean it, especially now that I know he isn’t that old.   If I’m being honest, ew would be the last word I’d use to describe anything about him, but I would never ever in a million years consider doing that … being with him.   Seeing him naked and all muscled and stuff would be … Gah! Stop thinking about it!   He’s my boss, and besides … he’s obviously not interested, and I’m not a beggar who runs after uninterested guys. I’d rather stay single and grow up to be a deranged cat lady than act desperate for a man.
    “Did you call Jack yet?”
    “I was about to.”   My face is red all over again.   Total fail.   I had one job to do today and I blew it already .
    “Tell him I gave him a tune-up on the house.”
    The words are out of my mouth before he has time to turn around.   “Why?   Why are you doing work for free?”
    I can tell from his tone he doesn’t want to talk to me about it, but I push anyway.   “Aren’t you worried about your profit margin?”
    “You should be.”   I learned that in Accounting 101.   What the hell is wrong with him that he doesn’t see that?   How can he possibly have a functioning business without even knowing what little I know?
    He stares at me for a while and then finally speaks.   “Goodwill eventually brings bigger profits than charging for every single thing you do.”
    I’m so surprised that he’s actually talking to me, and that what he said kind of makes sense in a confusing sort of way, that I don’t think of responding until he’s gone again.
    “I’ll call him right now!”   I yell, eager to please him and make him see how bad I want to work here.   “Jack!   And I’ll tell him!   What you said!”
    I breathe out a heavy sigh as the echo from my voice dies against the office walls.   “Of course he doesn’t answer me,” I say out into the empty office. “He’s already used up all his words for the day.”
    “And also tell him he can come anytime after ten,” says a deep voice from the doorway.   “I just have to do a couple more things before he shows up.”
    When I’m sure Rebel is finally, really gone, I lay my forehead on the desk and just breathe, trying to get my face back to its normal color.   If I make it through a full week of work here, it’s going to be some kind of miracle.


    I NEVER KNEW THAT FILING paper and making a few simple phone calls could be so exhausting.   By five I’m dead on my feet and ready to sleep for a week.
    “Time to party,” says Mick, coming into the office. “You up for some beers?”
    “Hell to the no,” I say, putting my backpack strap over my shoulder.   “Aren’t you tired?”
    “Nope.   I’m just getting started.”
    I look out towards the car bay. “What about Rebel?   Does he ever go home?”
    “You kidding?   This is his home.”
    “Seriously?   Like, he sleeps here?”
    Mick points to the ceiling.   “Above here he does.”
    I look above my head.   “In the attic?”
    “Nah. There are two apartments up there.   Small, but they have showers and stuff.   He lives in one of them.”
    “Who lives in the other one?”
    Mick’s face goes dark.   “My brother when he’s not in jail.”

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