Realm of the Dead

Realm of the Dead by Donovan Neal

Book: Realm of the Dead by Donovan Neal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donovan Neal
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that came near to offer balms for her wounds fell to the ground, dead, and the woman's name was Rina. When she saw Matthias, she besought him and fell at his feet, saying, "Please, Rabbi, must a daughter of Abraham contend forever with evil visions that befall me?"
    "What wouldst thou ask of me?" he said.
    "If thou wilt but lay thine hands on my head and command the voices to cease, they will stop. For even now they speak among themselves to destroy a man from Galilee called Yeshua, and say thou comest from Him."
    "I will do as thou hast asked."  And when Matthias sought to lay hands upon her head to bless her, a man of the city named Abner said, "Do it not! For others before thee have tried and died.  If thou but touchest her, thou shalt surely die."
    And Matthias replied, "I come in the name of Yeshua." And when he said those words, he laid hands on the woman's forehead. She screamed and shivered from head to toe before the spirits threw her on the ground.  The crowd stepped back as her brown eyes rolled back into her head and foam poured from her mouth. Her back arched and a loud shriek escaped her lips and she lay as one dead. All those that stood about marveled, for they heard voices issue from the woman, and whining whispers flowed on the air like a soft rushing wind, and the words they heard were on this wise:
    "We are lost and undone, for God has come down as a man, and what now will Lucifer do?"
    The woman lay limp with the guttural roar of an animal.  Matthias gently brushed the hair from her eyes, picked her up and carried her into the house. Moments later, she looked into his face and fell at his feet to worship him. But Matthias lifted her to her feet. "Arise, maiden. For I am but a man. Yeshua of Nazareth hath made thee whole. Worship Him only lest a worse thing befall thee."  Matthias then commanded all present to repent.
    Daemons were afraid of all that spoke in the name of Yeshua. The Grigori who sided with Lucifer went and told him all that the seventy had done.  The Lord of Evil was wroth, because he found the disciples of Yeshua spread abroad destroying his works, and everywhere they spoke of the man Yeshua, they healed the sick, and cast out daemons. Lucifer knew that Yeshua must be stopped, for the articles of war prevented open manifestation, but El, by becoming flesh, had opened a beachhead on earth through man to fight him.
    "This must come to an end, for I will not tolerate Adamson to enter into battle against me.  I will not fight both God, and God's man on two fronts."
    Lucifer then found Judas, speaking to some in the name of Yeshua and spoke to his mind.
    Look at what you are able to do in this man's name alone.  See how even daemons shudder when you mention the name Yeshua.  If I being a man can do such things in his name.  If he be the Son of God how much more would the Romans shudder?"
    Judas shook his head and muttered aloud. "But Yeshua hath no interest in the affairs of this world.  His only concern is the Kingdom of God."
    Such a shame.  Such power to do good.  Such power to change the course of our people's history.  But perhaps...if He were forced to reveal who he was? 
    Judas laid his hands on a child and she recovered. He quickly moved on to another one as more of the town's people brought them his ill, and daemon possessed.
    You are but one man.  But Yeshua can impart power to all!  What pray tell could be accomplished if He showed Himself to all Israel?  What if all were given this power?  How then could Rome stand against us?
    Judas touched a beggar who had been lame from birth. He prayed, and the man rose up and walked.
    He sighed to himself even as he prayed for others. Such a waste.  Here you are sent to the refuse of the nation when those who are capable of real freedom for all lack what they need.  If only they too had this power. What could happen if He were somehow compelled to show Himself as God? Think Judas! Think man!  The whole of Israel could be

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