RBC06.50 - Marcella, Vampire Mage

RBC06.50 - Marcella, Vampire Mage by Elizabeth Loraine Page B

Book: RBC06.50 - Marcella, Vampire Mage by Elizabeth Loraine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Loraine
Tags: Magic, vampire, mage
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humans. His wife, the Lady Margarite was his second wife, and it was gossiped that his first wife had disappeared under mysterious circumstances, but this was before my time and I knew none of the details.
    Margarite looked lovely in a silk gown which seemed as if it had been spun from pure gold. It was cinched in at the waist, with a full skirt billowing to the staircase. The largest ruby I’d ever seen adorned her neck, and on her ears were earrings to match—rubies circled with diamonds. Her hair was piled beautifully atop her head and sparkled with a diamond and ruby tiara.
    The Count and Countess were halfway down the stairs, when I looked past them at Damien and Luena, now taking their turn on the stairway. As they descended, they looked from side to side, acknowledging the crowd. I had heard that Luena adored her brother and would like nothing more than to see him rule next, whatever the cost. Some even said that the Count should watch his back, as betrayal could come from within his own family.
    I watched as they came closer and despite Damien’s flawless handsome features, a combination of his shoulder-length brown hair, long sideburns, square jaw line, and piercing dark eyes, there was something else; a nagging feeling that I struggled to grasp. I smiled to myself; he was so good looking that from behind me in the hall, I heard the sounds of women swooning. But, again there was that irritating feeling of something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Just then the Count and Countess reached the bottom of the stairs and greeted my father, who then preformed my formal introduction.
    “May I present my daughter, The Lady Katrina Von Dracek,” he said as I curtsied slowly, dropping low over my foot.
    “She’s lovely, Fredrik. So much like her mother.”
    Was I? I had no memory of her, so I couldn’t know, but still it made me feel…proud. I wished Father would talk about her. Introductions compete, the Count and Countess moved on to meet the many others waiting to greet them. Damien and Luena were now at the bottom of the stairway. I hadn’t even looked at Luena until now. Like everyone else in her family, she was breathtaking. Her dark brown eyes were set in porcelain skin; her low-cut emerald-green silk gown shimmered in the candlelight of the hall. Large emeralds, their color perfectly matched to her gown, adorned her neck and ears. They made a stunning pair, the brother and sister royal.
    As I looked from Luena back to Damien, I was shocked to see he was openly appraising me. Those eyes…could he read my mind? I gasped, for just as I formed the thought, he smiled at me, as if to confirm it!
    “Baron Von Dracek! So nice to see you again,” said Damien, offering his hand.
    “Damien, Luena this is my daughter, Katrina.”
    I curtsied and extended my hand to Damien in greeting. He took hold of it and while still holding my eyes, bent and gave the back of my hand a kiss. I felt what I can only describe as pure energy coming from his lips onto my hand, up my arm and into my heart! I could feel my face heating as he stood and smiled at me.
    “Delighted to meet you, Katrina.”
    “Come, Damien, we have others to meet,” said Luena taking his arm.
    “Yes of course, sister,” he said with a hint of sarcasm. “Please save a dance for me, Katrina.”
    Then once more he acknowledged my father.
    “Your Lordship.” He turned and gave a slight bow, which my father returned, and then brother and sister were gone.
    At least he looked at my face, I thought. Once again I had a strange feeling about him, but what? As for Luena, there was nothing good about the feeling she gave me.
    I had never met them before, yet there was something I recognized about Damien, but I couldn’t place it. Not yet.
    Next we made a circuit around the room, casually greeting everyone, and I hoped I would somehow be able to remember who was who. Some families would be easier to commit to memory than others of course. Such as the Tantees

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