Razor's Edge: A Bad Boy Romance (Bad Boys of Football Book 2)

Razor's Edge: A Bad Boy Romance (Bad Boys of Football Book 2) by Clementine Roux, Penelope Silva

Book: Razor's Edge: A Bad Boy Romance (Bad Boys of Football Book 2) by Clementine Roux, Penelope Silva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clementine Roux, Penelope Silva
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said, “Don’t move. I’m going to talk to them.” She waited for me to agree before she stepped away, saying, “Hillary, don’t let him leave your sight.”
    I didn’t know what to do with myself. If I tried to go back inside my house, I’d end up doing something to make things worse for myself. If I stayed outside, I wasn’t entirely confident, I wouldn’t actually attack my ex-wife. If anyone deserved to have her clock cleaned, it was her. And that was saying a lot because I didn’t believe in harming women physically. In fact, the thought of it, made my skin crawl, but she was making it really hard for me to resist the urge.
    “Why is she doing this to you? What does she want?” Hillary asked the million dollar question.
    I shrugged. “She wants my son.”
    “Why now?” she asked. “What’s different now? I thought, she walked out of your lives?”
    I wondered the same thing. What had changed in her life? What was she really after because I didn’t believe for a minute she truly wanted to be Edge’s mother. If she did, she wouldn’t have walked out on us in the first place. What was she really after?
    Hillary unknowingly answered the question for me. “Do you think maybe it’s you she wants? Maybe she’s doing all this because she wants you back? Could that be possible?”
    I didn’t have an answer for her. All I could do was stand there and try to keep myself upright to weather the current storm. Figuring out what Stephanie really wanted required energy I didn’t have at the moment. What I needed to focus on was doing everything I could think of to keep Edge with me. “She’s not getting me or my son back. I can guarantee you that,” I said with conviction. I’d never been a good loser and I wasn’t about to start now.

Chapter Thirteen – Hillary
    Felici a   held her head in her hands. “Have you gone crazy? Please, tell me that’s what’s happening here because nothing else makes any sense to me.”
    I knew, it sounded nuts. Even I couldn’t believe I’d agreed to something as ridiculous as this, but after witnessing what I witnessed at E.J.’s house, I felt like I had no other choice. I had to help. That sick woman was trying to take an innocent little boy away from his father -- a very good father, at that -- to get back at him for some perceived wrong a long time ago. How could I sit there and do nothing? Edge deserved to be happy. He needed to be with his father.
    “Woman, are you listening to me? You can’t move some kid in here and raise him like he’s yours! That’s insane. You’re his teacher, remember? And, where do you plan to put him? You don’t have any room for a kid here.” Felicia was right. I didn’t have the space in my home, let alone my life, but I felt compelled to do this. Something about it felt so right.
    “Hear me out; I’m not going to raise him as my own. I’m going to let him stay here until E.J. can smooth things out with his ex. That’s it. Edge needs a home base for now. I’ll be his home base. It will be fun. You’ll see,” I said.
    “It won’t be so much fun when the crazy woman has you locked up for kidnapping her son. Do you hear yourself? E.J. isn’t your husband. Hell, he’s not even your boyfriend. Why would you want to take on the responsibility of his kid right now? You’re supposed to be getting your life together, not trying to fix someone else’s life,” Felicia added.
    Instinctively, I knew she was probably right. As an outsider looking in, I could see how it sounded like I’d lost my mind. If it was her volunteering to take a five-year-old child into her home, I’d probably try to talk her out of it too, but since it wasn’t her and she had no idea of what the back story was, I couldn’t take her advice this time. “I have to do this. It feels right. Trust me. Things will be okay,” I said as confidently as I could. “He needs

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