Raven's Hell

Raven's Hell by Jenika Snow

Book: Raven's Hell by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
lips. He didn’t break their
kiss as he reached between their bodies with one hand, all but tore the button
from her pants, ripped the zipper down, and tried to push the material down her
legs. Shit, he wanted her just as naked as he was, but he also didn’t want to
move away from her to make that happen.
was hot and sweet, and surrendered herself to him like no other. When she put
her hands on his chest and pushed him away, taking a step back was really hard
for him. But she wasn’t stopping this, and instead slipped her thumbs under the
edge of her panties, and pushed them down her legs, too. Christ , he could see the material was soaking wet, and his cock
jerked even harder.
want this, Collin.”
swallowed hard, and moved his hand down to rub his palm over his erection. The
damn thing was liable to explode if he didn’t add a little bit of pressure to
the bastard. He could have gotten off just from looking at her alone, and when
she gripped the hem of her shirt and slowly started to lift it up everything in
him stilled. The bottom of her breasts came into view, and he wrapped his hand around
his cock at the sight. But she stopped before he could see the full weight of
her tits. A low growl left him, and her eyes widened.
baby, I’m liable to tackle you to the ground if you don’t let me see every inch
of you.” He heard the soft noise that came from her, and then she pulled the
shirt away and tossed it on the floor with her jeans. He took in her body,
every damn glorious inch of her, and possessive need slammed into him. Rebecca
was his, and he was about to claim her in a way he had never done with another
woman. And then she was standing right in front of him, her breathing hectic
and erratic, and her breasts rising and falling because of the action. She was
thin and tiny. But she was also beautiful in every way her long dark hair hanging
down, still damp from her bath, and the ends slightly curling. Her breasts were
a handful and the peaks a light pink color. Her nipples were hard looking like
they wanted his mouth right on them. Damn, he was hard.
lowered his gaze to her pussy, one with a thatch of short, dark hair covering
it. Collin had always liked bare cunts when he was ruling his empire, but
staring at her now he grew so fucking turned on at the sight of her. But before
he could move she was lowering herself to her knees in front of him. Collin
parted his lips and breathed in deeply when she pulled out his cock and stared
at it.
what are you doing?” His voice was strained, and this was certainly not how
he’d thought this evening was going to go, at least not right away.
not a virgin, Collin.” She stared at his face, and licked her lips. “Besides,
I’ve been thinking about this since we were in the loft.” Her voice shook a
little, and although she was taking the initiative right now, he knew she was
the side of her face, he smoothed his fingers over her lips. But she didn’t say
anything else, just wrapped her hand around his length. A strangled noise left
him when she parted her lips, and took the head into the hot, wet confines of
her mouth. Collin reached out and wrapped his hand around her hair, closed his
eyes, and let his head fall back on his neck. She took as much as she could,
hollowed out her cheeks, and relaxed her throat.
Rebecca. God, you are sucking my cock so damn good, baby.”
made a humming noise around him, and he groaned. The head of his erection
nudged the back of her throat, but she didn’t give up. Over and over she
brought him to the brink of coming, but it was when she reached down and took
his balls in one hand, gave them a squeeze that bordered on pain, that Collin
had to stop or he’d come and this would be over before it fucking started.
Taking hold of her shoulders and pulling her to her feet, the sound of his dick
coming free from the tight suction of her lips sounded erotic as

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