said, “Mom…Dad…Please give us some privacy.”
    “ You so fucking ignorant and stupid!” Mary yelled. “Don’t you see the hate in this boy’s eyes? Are you that fuckin’ blind?”
    “ Ma, please! This is between me and Kali.”
    “ But he’s gonna kill you! Are you that desperate for some dick?”
    “ No, ma, I get plenty of dick at work, remember?”
    “ Oh my sweet, Jesus!” She said walking closer to her bed. “You are going straight to hell!” Her finger wagged back and forth in Cherry’s face. “Why would God curse me with such a selfish bitch?”
    “ Come on, honey.” Bobby said pulling Mary away by her fragile elbow. “If she want us gone, then we should just leave.”
    “ Get your decrepit hands off of me, you weak bastard.” She shook him off. “You should be beating the shit out of this boy right here instead of wrestling with me.”
    “ Bitch, I’m 72 years old! What you trying to do…Get me killed?” He paused. “So you can cash in on my life insurance policy or something?”
    Once again Bobby and Mary turned a situation that was not about them, into one involving them. This was the reason Cherry was so messed up to begin with.
    “ Nigga, if I wanted you dead you’d be dead by now…You halfway walking anyway, shiny black, mothafucka!”
    “ Bitch, get your shit and come on!” He picked up her purse and pushed it into her chest, forcing her to hold it. “Pussy so foul it stunk up the whole damn room.” He said helping her toward the door. “No wonder she wants us to leave.”
    “ Fuck you, ya no dick having mothafucka!”
    “ It’s time to go, you bent over backwards, bitch!” Bobby said stealing the last words.
    People on the outside of the room gathered around when they heard the commotion. Mary and Bobby fussed and cussed all the way down the hall and onto the elevator. When they were gone one of the orderlies peeked into the room and said, “I feel so sorry for you.” He shook his head. “They must give you the blues.”
    “ Nigga, get your faggy ass from out in front the door before I break your back.” Kali said. The orderly got out of dodge with the quickness.
    Cherry shook her head and said, “I’m so embarrassed. Why do they always have to cut up?”
    “ I don’t know why, but they been like that forever and ain’t never gonna change.”
    She smiled and said, “I know but sometimes I wish my life could be different.”
    “ Wishing's for fools, Cherry. Take the life you got and deal with it. You’d be better off that way.”
    “ I…I can’t believe you came.”
    “ I ain’t beefin’ with you no more.”
    “ I’m sorry about what I said about you and Harmony. I like her, and I know ya’ll gonna always be cool. But sometimes I get so jealous at ya’ll’s relationship though.”
    He walked over to her, took his cap off and said, “So what happened to you?” He paused. “Tell me everything.”
    “ Well I was servicing a client.”
    “ Yeah but how?”
    “ Kali, I don’t want to go into detail. It’s too gross.”
    “ Just tell me and stop fuckin’ around.”
    “ Why do you like to hear these stories?”
    “ Would it make you feel better if I didn’t like your lifestyle? Didn’t you tell me you loved that about me? The fact that I wanted to know everything about you where other niggas didn’t?”
    “ Yes.”
    “ Well stop tryin’ to make me feel fucked up about it. And tell me what happened.”
    She sighed and said, “I have a real sick ass client. He likes to…He likes to eat my pussy after I’ve had sex with other men. Normally he comes at night,” she said taking a deep breath. She was still a little weak from all of the pain meds she was on. “But this time he came during the day. We pulled up in the alley, I lifted my dress and he started eating my pussy. Then he whipped out his dick and started jerking off.” She paused like she was about to cry but her sorrow turned to pleasure when Kali pulled out his dick and

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