Rainer: An MC Savage Motorcycle Club Romance Novel

Rainer: An MC Savage Motorcycle Club Romance Novel by Trace Dex

Book: Rainer: An MC Savage Motorcycle Club Romance Novel by Trace Dex Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trace Dex
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to it.

    “Who?” said Mandy.

    “You know who, woman,” yelled the blind one.

    I could understand why he’d wear sunglasses — it hides the face easier. But there was only one person and a dog in here as far as they knew. Plus, it was dark and Mandy had dim lights so I’m pretty sure that guy wasn’t able to see much, if anything, at all. Fucking idiot.

    “I have no idea who you’re talking about! How dare you guys break in here and kick my cute little puppy.”

    The slurred way Mandy spoke told me that she was definitely feeling the alcohol. She didn’t even really seem to care that these two unknown dick bags could kill her if they wanted to.

    As one of the guys turned around, I noticed the back of his vest. It said Wreck MC, which was the same club that bitch Zella worked for.

    They surveyed the area, making sure to move through all the rooms in a sloppy matter. I could tell that they’ve done this a few times already on this floor because they were doing a shitty job, which meant they were getting restless.

    “See him?” asked the bald one.

    “Nah, don’t think he’s here.”

    “Wait,” said baldy as he pointed towards the table. “There’s three empty glasses.”

    Shit, here we go.

    “Oh, now you’re calling me an alcoholic? Get out of here right now before I call the cops,” yelled Mandy.

    “My god, lady, you need to calm your drunk ass down,” said the bald one.

    “Don’t tell me to calm down you low life mother fuckers!”

    “Let’s go,” said sunglass man. “I don’t think he’s here.”

    “Yeah, you two get out of here!” yelled Mandy. Mochi began barking at them too. “And don’t come back, either!”

    There’s no fear in that lady. Good thing these guys weren’t doing anything about her.

    “Lay off the drinks, ma’am. Have a nice day,” said the bald one.

    Sunglass guy pretended like he was going to backhand Mandy before he left like some sort of tough guy. I almost shot him right there but they started walking away. He’d be taking his hand out his ass if he touched her.

    “Get out!“

    I peered out as the door closed behind the two idiots.

    Mandy walked to the table and finished a few drops that were left in her glass. I walked in and started clearing the mess they made. “I’m sorry about that, Mandy, I’m not sure how they found me.”

    “Probably the front desk, those bitches are always snitching,” said Mandy.

    “Candace?” I said.
    She peered out a cabinet like a little child scared of a monster. Her innocence still dangling on a thread.

    “Are they gone?” she said. I nodded. I was pissed, those two are going to pay for this shit.

    “I’m heading out,” I said. “I don’t want to put you two through anymore danger cause of me.”

    Both of them pleaded for me to stay, in their drunken state. It made me feel a little better but I knew I couldn’t stay.

    “Aww Mochi, did those bad guys hurt you?” I said as I pet her.

    “Those fucking assholes kicked her!” yelled Mandy.

    “What? Who? Where are they!” yelled Candace from the kitchen.

    “There were two of them but the ugly bald one did it!”

    I gave Mochi a kiss and pet her softly. My eyebrows furrowed just thinking about what they did to her.

    “Wait,” said Candace as she struggled to climb out the cabinet. I walked over and helped her. “I’m coming with you,” said Mandy.

    “My world ain’t safe for you, cutie pie. Plus, I’ve already put your life at risk so many times, I don’t think I can let that happen again.”

    “It’s okay, it’s not your fault. I kind of like it anyways, it’s fun.” she said, her words a bit slurred. “Plus, what if they come back and you’re not here and they see me? They must have seen me riding with you?”

    She had a point. Those two could come back here. But as much as I knew I’d protect her if anything went wrong, would she really be safer with me?

    “How else would they know to check this building?

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