Rain (The Quest Trilogy-Book Two)

Rain (The Quest Trilogy-Book Two) by Iram Dana

Book: Rain (The Quest Trilogy-Book Two) by Iram Dana Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iram Dana
don’t stop, for life and death are both a torture to such creatures.
    Look at me. My bones are so brittle with age that if I move too quickly, they will break. Is this the immortality you wish for? Is this what you want to become?” asked the old man, his voice shaking with anger and passion.
    Rain knelt down so as to be at eye level with the old sequestor.
    “Marine … I didn’t realize. When you put it that way, no, I don’t really want that kind of immortality. You were right, once I found out it was the well of immortality I didn’t bother to ask my Geeya about anything else. If not for you, I would have committed a grave mistake…”
    “He’s right.” piped in Heart. “You saved both of us today, Marine. And we can never thank you enough for the sacrifice that have made. How many more years do you have until you must drink again?”
    “I must drink again tomorrow, in order to extend my life by another twenty years.” wheezed the old man weakly.
    His motive achieved, all the energy and passion he had just displayed seemed to have deserted him.
    “Instead of punishing yourself further like this, have you thought of putting up a sign next to well warning people of the consequences of drinking from this well?” asked Heart.
    Marine shook his head slowly.
    “No … since I wanted to do penance, that thought never occurred to me.”
    “Marine,” said Heart earnestly, “you don’t have to punish yourself anymore. I am sure you have long since atoned for your sins by saving the lives of who knows how many sequestors? Please, let me put up a warning sign for you. Do not drink from this well anymore. Release yourself from this eternal agony.”
    Marine said nothing. He was staring fixedly at a spot on Rain’s neck.
    “You have the pearls of cloysters?” he asked Rain.
    “The what?” asked Rain, looking down at his chain, the claws on which were glowing brightly. It was time to go. Thankfully, this time there was no debilitating fear in anticipation of his next mini-Quest. Rain returned his attention to Marine. “What is a cloyster pearl?”
    “Well, your necklace is made of cloister pearls. Cloysters are just like oysters, only blue in color. And the pearls they produce are claw-shaped. Cloysters are extremely rare. Only one in a thousand oysters is a blue cloyster. And one in a thousand cloysters produces a pearl. Their pearls are used as indicators.” explained Marine.
    “Neat. Mine tells me when my next Quest is due and also lets me know when I have collected the correct wisdom.”
    Rain held Marine’s hand in his.
    “Marine, listen to what Heart says. Please don’t torture yourself anymore. We promise we’ll put up the warning sign for you.”
    Marine looked from one to the other. “You promise?”
    “We do.” said Heart solemnly. “It will serve your purpose. Sequestors will be warned.”
    “All right, then. I won’t drink from it anymore.” Marine wheezed, and then his face slowly broke into a wide, toothless smile. He was already anticipating his freedom and the feeling was beyond anything he could describe.
    Rain picked up the quails he had kept near the well and handed them over to Heart.
    “Take these back for me, okay? I have a Quest coming up any time now.”
    Rain bid Marine goodbye and then ran off in the direction opposite the well. When he had reached a secluded spot, he sat down and waited. Soon, the wind picked up and the forest was whizzing past him.

    Rain landed with a soft thud at the mouth of a rocky tunnel at the base of a small mountain. Not far below, he could hear the constant sound of waves crashing against rocks. He touched his back; his bow and quiver full of arrows were still on him. He stayed where he was for a few moments, carefully taking in his surroundings. He scanned his immediate vicinity for any webs. Once he was certain none existed, he rose slowly, wondering if he should enter the tunnel. He was standing on a

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