Raging Love

Raging Love by Jennifer Foor

Book: Raging Love by Jennifer Foor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Foor
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started singing a familiar song to the radio, so to break the animosity in the truck, I turned up the volume.
    Conner pulled us right up to the airport doors. He climbed out and pulled his sister in for a big hug. Ty was already grabbing their bags out of the back. As he turned around, Conner held his hand out to Ty. Of course, Ty grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a hug. Conner was reluctant at first, but Ty kept holding him there. “She’s safe brother. I promise you she will always be taken care of.”
    Finally, Conner hugged Ty back. It was a real Kodak moment, if you ask me. Only time would tell if they could ever fully get along, but we had our whole lives to figure it out.
    Since Miranda had never be en on a plane before, she was a nervous wreck. She went from being excited, to full blown panic attack. At one point it got so bad, that she begged Ty to take her back and said they couldn’t go. Savanna reached into her purse and handed her a tiny pill. “Just take half. It will help you relax. It’s just a Xanax, so you won’t go to sleep or anything.”
    I wasn’t one to promote sharing medicine, but flights were difficult for some people. My poor cousin was terrified. I knew she wanted to get there and have some alone time with Ty. Miranda took the pill and rested her tear-filled eyes on Ty’s chest. He rubbed her back until she finally started to relax.
    Normally I would have expected Ty to joke about the plane going down, but he was so respectful around Miranda. He never let go of her hand. He kept her occupied and made sure she knew she wasn’t alone. We played cards and guessing games to pass the time. After three hours in the air, Miranda  was fine. She even managed to sleep the rest of the flight.
    Savanna and I had all of our brochures of what we were planning to do while we were there, so we just sat there going over everything. At one point the stewardess came over and was flirting with Ty. For the first time in my life, I watched him blow a pretty woman off, the whole time kissing Miranda’s sleeping head and messing around with her wedding ring on her finger.
    The woman even made a second attempt, which in turn pissed Ty off. He woke Miranda up and told her all about it. The next time the woman came around he grabbed Miranda and started a full-blown make out session with her. He even added extra visuals by grabbing her breasts for everyone to see. To get the final point across, he pulled away from Miranda and looked up at the woman. “Have you met my beautiful wife? She is fucking amazing.”
    That was the last time any of us saw the woman and the last of Ty’s entertainment for the flight, with the exception of him discussing getting lei’d when we got off the plane. He had everyone aboard in hysterics.
    None of us had ever been to Hawaii and we had no idea how beautiful it would be when we stepped off that plane and looked outside. Savanna looked more excited than I had ever seen and I think she was excited about being able to share some of our time with Miranda and Ty. Since both of us already li ved with our spouses, we weren’t so worried about all day sex fests, well at least Savanna and I weren’t. Ty and Miranda on the other hand, probably could have spent every second of their lives having sex.  It would catch up to them one day and Ty would be the new spokesperson for Viagra.
    I wasn’t surprised when the taxi came to pick us up and Ty grabbed my hand and kissed me on the cheek like we were a couple. I tried to pull away, but he kept a death grip on my hand while he laughed his ass off.
    “Can I take your bags?” The driver asked.
    “Oh yes, my husband and I are so excited to be here, aren’t we my Dark Stallion?” Ty kept a straight face, while the girls were cracking up behind us.
    When I finally got free of his hand, he proceeded to slap me hard on the ass. “Oh, I can’t wait to see how big our bed is. I know how much you like big things.” Ty added.
    We climbed in

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